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(in chronological order)


(February 29)

DancingKids' package
Packages including memorabilia related to the 1920 Summer Olympics are delivered to a number of people around the world. Contained inside are postcards, a poster and a ball of yarn. Written on the backs of the postcards are the following messages:

March 3, 2008
Find her...

March 4, 2008??
Find the others...

March 5, 2008??
Find him...

March 11, 2008??
Find the secret...

August 24, 2008
Save the world.

Inside the ball of yarn is a piece of paper that includes a reference to Findthelostring.com. All the website contains at this point, however, is a message to Ariadne explaining that the site is being worked on, and should be up first thing Monday morning... signed, "Kai"

Chapter 1: Find her...

(through March 3)

Findthelostring.com goes live on the 3rd of March, to reveal the blog of a woman named Ariadne. Through a series of posts, she explains her unusal situation.

On the 12th February, Ariadne awakes finding herself in the centre of a corn maze (labyrinth) near Johannesburg, South Africa. She's wearing blindfold-like goggles and stretchy workout clothes. On her arm is a tattoo which reads "trovu la ringon perditan", Esperanto for "find the lost ring". Discovered alone in the maze with no memory, she's taken to a hospital where she spends a week under watchful eyes. The doctors' analysis shows there's nothing wrong with her, other than having an extremely rare amnesia, and a body in excellent Olympic-caliber condition.

While in the hospital, Ariadne meets Kai, a San Francisco based "technology whiz kid" on an adventure holiday. Fascinated with her story, he takes her under his wing. Before leaving Johannesburg, he sets her up with a month's rent and a laptop computer. He also sets up her blog and website, and suggests more features will be added.

Since being found, the same recurring dreams plague her each night. In the first dream, she relives the moment she awoke in the labyrinth, but the second is something new. She finds herself surrounded by five other pairs of blindfold goggles, and picks them up one by one. By the time she has all six pairs she is finally calm again. She thinks this may be a message, maybe from her subconscious memory.

Finally she shares a video blog, summing up the other entries. There have been absolutely no leads as to her identity or history, friends or family. She asks whether anyone recognises her, and if they have any ideas to let her know.

...( Read the detailed list of events )

Chapter 2: Find them...

(March 3 - March 5)

Scouring the internet, from youtube to social networking sites for non-English speakers, we found others who were also seeking help figuring out who they are and why they woke up with tattoos they do not understand. We find the homepages of Markus, Diego, MeiHui, Lucie, and Noriko. They've all awoken in labyrinths of different sizes or styles. We help them get in contact with each other, but the language barrier proves difficult.

We dig deeper into the circumstances of their awakenings, and find out more details about the attire each wore when they woke up - various kinds of blindfolds, athletic clothing, shoes. They're having dreams, of curves, lines, patterns. Ariadne discovers she is quite adept at learning T'ai Chi - surprisingly so; mastering over a hundred poses in less than a week. Doing a little research reveals that her skill can be attributed to 'kinesthetic memory' - muscle memory (she doesn't remember anything, but her body remembers what it's good at).

Someone named Larissa leaves a message on Ariadne's blog, saying she knew a person four years ago, Renata, who was also an amnesiac on a strange mission. Renata went missing, and now all Larissa has of Renata's is a necklace.

...( Read the detailed list of events )

Chapter 3: Find him...

(March 5 - March 10)

Ariadne suggests doing more research on the Olympic Games. So we look at the Official Olympic Games site. Mostly innocuous-looking... but what's that on the lower left-hand corner? A banner linking to a podcast series on "The Lost Games: Ancient Olympic Mysteries." Perhaps the Lost Games have something to do with the Lost Ring...

The Lost Games site turns out to be full of intriguing ancient trivia. But what's even more intriguing is the FAQ with historian Eli Hunt, especially the last item:

Q: How do I find the lost ring?
A: For the last time, I have no idea what you're talking about.

It is clear that this man knows more than he lets on. We plead with him to tell us more. At first he denies knowing anything about the matter, and even after we explain to him about the six amnesiacs he refuses to do more than hint that the mystery is too dangerous to look into.

But he does let slip that he has an upcoming lecture in Cardiff. Ariadne jumps on this information as an opportunity to confront Mr. Hunt in person (see trailer III). She succeeds in persuading Mr. Hunt to share his secret-- which leads us to the omphaputer.

...( Read the detailed list of events )

Chapter 4: Find the secret...

(March 11 - March 12)

(screenshot adjusted for visibility)
Having convinced Eli to share his research with Ariadne, he comes to acknowledge that there is a growing community of people who are fervently dedicated to helping Ariadne. After completing his lecture in Cardiff and releasing his third podcast about "The Omphalos Code", he releases a hidden podcast, a confession entitled "The Secret Artifact". In it, he describes a small bronze statue he discovered in his research - but shares for the first time that it wasn't just a statue.

Inside was a piece of paper on which was written a message, in English. He kept this paper to himself. "When the time comes, there will be no more time..." it started. "As you wait for the six, " it later said, "you can build a House of Salomon." This is what Eli has been doing with his years of research. He sent an email to those he'd conversed with including a link to the "omphaputer" - a secret website located at

The secret website is analyzed to pieces. It contains a rotating globe of dots of varying shades from blue to white. A prompt appears if a key is pressed, and soon a list of possible commands is made. The command "Agonothetai" indicates that a code needs to be entered with a biostat to 'authenticate'. Using information Monica shared about her uncle's findings, the number 696 was found to be important - this year being the 696th 4-year olympiad period since the first Greek olympics. Using the attributes the six saw in their visions with the suffix "696" indicates that a biostat is still required - the ring finger length and the resting heart rate. After asking the six for these stats, each were authenticated and became 'active'.

Monica's story about her uncle' grandfather, and the postcard left behind for her appears to Larissa very similar to what she knows of Renata, having also written on the backs of postcards with numbers and words. She shares her feeling that Renata may be, or may have been, attempting to retrieve a "codex" of the lost ring.

...( Read the detailed list of events )

Chapter 5: Recover the Codex...

(March 13 - March 17)


...( Read the detailed list of events )

Chapter 6: Discover your strength...

(March 18 - March 24)


...( Read the detailed list of events )

Chapter 7: We're not alone...

March 25

He gives a short summary about the story so far and the personality test. He encourages people to make the test.
He posted the German translation of the fourth chapter of the Codex of the lost ring. Nothing more!
He posted the German translation of the fifth chapter of the Codex of the lost ring. Nothing more!
Help!!!! I want to read it too!!!
Chid12 contacted Miguel Angel via facebook. Miguel went to the place and found the following message (original was in French):
I'll communicate the recovery code to Lucie and Ariadne.
If you need it before, here it is
The 6th chaper of the Codex of the lost ring could be directly downloaded
(link) from the Omphaputer.
She posted the Chapter 6 of the Codex of the lost ring.
She also requests a English-Mandarin translator for MeiHui - our Sofia!

March 26

New Delhi #1 - Navigate 31639 Scorpio 22 degrees
Boise #1 - Navigate 4473 Hermes 25 degrees
Lunglei #2 - Navigate 47847 Athena degrees 18
Both were found inside a Western Maryland Railway Company envelope.

March 27

  • Monica@Twitter: Intentando convencer a mi tía para que me deje entrar en la antigua casa de Alfredo. Misión 1: comprar una planta y una tarjeta de gatitos
Trying to convince my aunt to let me go into the former home of Alfredo. Mission 1: buy a plant and a card kittens
She describes this chapter as providing the rules of the Sport.
Interestingly, she also includes a photo of the Western Maryland Railway Co. envelope, and wonders what its significance is...

March 28

Thanks are given to the team who recovered the Tokyo artifact.
She points out how the chapter discusses traveling between parallel worlds through the labyrinths.
She comments on the sheer size of the illustrations, and their capacity to help us understand why the Lost Sport was played.
She also wonders what has happened to Chapters 9 and 10.
With a lot of uncertainty, she was eventually able to get in to her uncle's grandfather Alfredo's house and examine some of his nothing.
Nothing stood out however, and wants to know if we have any idea of what she should be looking for.

Chapter 8: Uniting for a common goal...

March 29

Markus is now in Cardiff together with Ariadne. He is learning English.
She announces the discovery of three more chapters of the Codex (7, 8 and 11), and wonders why 9 and 10 seem to have been skipped over.
Blog readers are invited to discuss the chapters in the forum, and download the high-res versions.
She suggests this seventh chapter is the end of our instructions in running labyrinth.
An introduction of Chapter 8 of the codex, about the multiverse.

March 30

An introduction to Eli's fifth podcast - The Labyrinth, and considers Japanese translations of the correct term for them.
She feels this chapter is the last to explain how to play the Lost Sport. She suggests it's now time to learn the rules and start training.
She suggests this chapter shows how the labyrinths can connect us to the various "dimensions" of our reality... the "multiverse".
She introduces chapter 11, says Ariadne believes it will help us understand why the ancient Greeks practiced the Lost Sport, and asks for someone to translate it into French.

March 31

Markus updated a very old blog post.
There is now a link to his diary in his forum (full text) (link)
Porto Alegre #1 - Navigate 4596 Athena 23 degrees.
Dongying #2 - Navigate 3969 Ares 29 degrees.


April 1

He talks about that they now have a mission
He also encourage us to train and to learn the rules of the lost sport
He is worried about MeiHui, because she only speaks Chinese.
Additionally he hopes, that Theo will not pop up again (Theo was the reason why he joined Ariadne)

April 2


April 3

Boise #2 - Navigate 4473 Athena 10 degrees
Porto Alegre #2 - Navigate 4596 Hephaestus 2 degrees
New Delhi #2 - Navigate 31639 Apollo 29 degrees

Just the German translation
Asks for people translating the found chapters

April 4

chapter 13 summary
Just the German translation
Just the German translation
The German translation and the wish people would use more his forum.
Just the German translation
Just the German translation
Just the German translation
posts a link to the video how the walls should move.

April 5

Monica's photos are attached to the message.
She received a post mail with a photo of Renata in Hollywood. So Renata has not disappeared. On the back of the photo is a message from Theo:
Renata didn't disappear
She just didn't want you involved
Stay out of it

April 6

Markus found an additional hint at the Cardiff pick-up loacation. A painting of "Hercules and Omphale".
He assumes that on all pick-up locations such a second hint could be found.
He suggests to go back to the locations again.
Just the German translation
Just the German translation

April 7

Brodie shared that after reviewing chapter 10, it appears as if the coordinates on the postcards are actually referring to the same place as on each of the 6 parallel continental worlds (eg, coordinates of Warren/Madrid on Gaea, and on Pangaea, and on Nuna, etc). Ariadne is also checking with Kai if he can set up a tool to play with shifting continents and calculating coordinates on other worlds.
  • New Chariton mission: Get Eli Hunt to email you back!
Eli hasn't been in contact for some time. Where is he? Why is he not responding?
Navigate 7050 Demeter 28 degrees
Navigate 7050 Poseidon 25 degrees
Hong Kong: Art / Jamming / Antique vase umbrella stand / Exterior / Envelope
Singapore: Art House / Outside / Go behind the elephant / Face the building / Corner of garden / Inside fake rock

April 8

  • Noriko met Ranger D, Ariock and hmrpita in San Francisco: info

April 9

chapter 18 summary

April 10


April 11

Again chapter 12 (only the image - no text) - probably an error
with link to forum for translation
Navigate 1480 Hestia 18 degrees
Navigate 1480 Apollo 27 degrees
Toronto: Montgomery's / Library / Bookcase / Pioneer Stories of the Mississippi Valley
New York City: Ear Inn / By the table nearest the door / Under Menu / German Composition

April 12

chapter 15 summary
chapter 17 summary

April 13

Markus will take a trip to another country. He is not saying where.
He has an idea who Theo might be.
The person who picked up the artifact in Hong Kong destroyed it.
There is only a blurry image of the recovery code.

April 14

chapter 16 summary
Theo won't win again.
He fears the counter-agonothetai and belives that to defeat them, we may need to work with them.
If you wish to help me, we may need to join forces with Theo.
He is fascinated by Monique's idea that Theo's motivation of Pangaea could be a united world in peace.
Navigate - 2698 Apollo 1 degree
Navigate - 2698 Hephaestus 6 degrees
Paris: Bibiothèque Sainte-Geneviève, Salle La Brouste, remove reference number: 822.3 Sha, inside secret King Lear
Berlin: Mitte's Backpacker, 2nd Floor Lobby, Left of Bar, Bookshelver, Hiiden out of view, move books, "With Trumpet and Drum"
She's amazed at how the community was able to determine the retrieval code from a very blurry image, impressed at the collaboration between multiple strengths.
Eli Hunt has ansered several emails.
Its function is yet unknown, but after entering it, the globe's dots begin a chaotic, but flowing rotation, growing in brightness until the computer appears black on white, saying "omph knot creation completed". RUN GRAPH returns to the standard graph diagram, but returning to the globe produces only the black on white console. (unless the website is refreshed).
Monica is however categorized as Sophrosune

April 15


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