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[edit] Noriko's Blog

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[edit] 第十一章 (Chapter 11) (link)

[edit] March 28, 2008
このイラストすごいですね。何を書いているのかは分かりませんが、何だかこの絵が、何故古代ギリシャ人はラビリンスを走っていたのか、理解する糸口になる予感がします。一つ一つの章で色んな事が分かっていって、LOST RINGを見つける事にすこしずつ近づいていっている気がします。

(translation by unagi)
Chapter 11 was found in Johannesburg, South Africa. (What's up with Chapters 9 and 10? I hope they will be found ...)

This illustration is great. I don't know what's drawn, but I feel this drawing will become a clue to understand why the ancient Greeks were running labyrinths. Each chapter has revealed different things, and I feel like approaching for the discovering of the LOST RING little by little.
Those who are good at languages would be much appreciated if they share their translation here! And please let me listen to your opinions.

Tags: ring lost perditan trovu noriko アーティファクト のりこ labyrinth ラビリンス postcard 葉書 artifact 史書 new chapter codex la コデックス 第一章

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