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[edit] Noriko's Blog

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[edit] ブリュッセルの史書が見つかった! (link)

[edit] March 26, 2008

こちら に日本語訳があるので、意見などどうぞ。(rupaZer0さん、ありがとう!)


(translation by rupaZer0)
The Brussells artifact has been found! It seems to be an explanation of the lost sport, building a human labyrinth.

Here is a Japanese translation, so please give your opinion and what have you. (Thanks, rupaZer0!)

Still, the strange thing is, we don't seem to know who found this artifact, or where they are now. Someone [left a note] saying that they would send it to Ariadne and Lucie, but I hear that it still hasn't arrived.

Tags: ring lost perditan trovu noriko アーティファクト のりこ labyrinth ラビリンス postcard 葉書 artifact 史書 new chapter codex la コデックス 第一章

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