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* <span class="blog">[[Ariadne]]: [[Ariadne/080328-id1282|Let's play the Lost Sport]] ([http://www.findthelostring.com/ariadne/detail.do?postId=1282 link]) (includes new video)</span> * <span class="blog">[[Ariadne]]: [[Ariadne/080328-id1282|Let's play the Lost Sport]] ([http://www.findthelostring.com/ariadne/detail.do?postId=1282 link]) (includes new video)</span>
:: ''summary'' :: ''summary''
 +==== March 29 ====
 +* <span class="dlg">[[Markus]] emailed ''AUZ505'' about working together with [Ariadne] ([[Markus/Chat/20080329-1|full text]])</span>
===== Latest<!--this is for linking to the latest news as a url anchor, don't populate!--> ===== ===== Latest<!--this is for linking to the latest news as a url anchor, don't populate!--> =====

Revision as of 20:38, 29 March 2008


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(in chronological order)


(February 29)

DancingKids' package
Packages including memorabilia related to the 1920 Summer Olympics are delivered to a number of people around the world. Contained inside are postcards, a poster and a ball of yarn. Written on the backs of the postcards are the following messages:

March 3, 2008
Find her...

March 4, 2008??
Find the others...

March 5, 2008??
Find him...

March 11, 2008??
Find the secret...

August 24, 2008
Save the world.

Inside the ball of yarn is a piece of paper that includes a reference to Findthelostring.com. All the website contains at this point, however, is a message to Ariadne explaining that the site is being worked on, and should be up first thing Monday morning... signed, "Kai"

Chapter 1: Find her...

(through March 3)

Findthelostring.com goes live on the 3rd of March, to reveal the blog of a woman named Ariadne. Through a series of posts, she explains her unusal situation.

On the 12th February, Ariadne awakes finding herself in the centre of a corn maze (labyrinth) near Johannesburg, South Africa. She's wearing blindfold-like goggles and stretchy workout clothes. On her arm is a tattoo which reads "trovu la ringon perditan", Esperanto for "find the lost ring". Discovered alone in the maze with no memory, she's taken to a hospital where she spends a week under watchful eyes. The doctors' analysis shows there's nothing wrong with her, other than having an extremely rare amnesia, and a body in excellent Olympic-caliber condition.

While in the hospital, Ariadne meets Kai, a San Francisco based "technology whiz kid" on an adventure holiday. Fascinated with her story, he takes her under his wing. Before leaving Johannesburg, he sets her up with a month's rent and a laptop computer. He also sets up her blog and website, and suggests more features will be added.

Since being found, the same recurring dreams plague her each night. In the first dream, she relives the moment she awoke in the labyrinth, but the second is something new. She finds herself surrounded by five other pairs of blindfold goggles, and picks them up one by one. By the time she has all six pairs she is finally calm again. She thinks this may be a message, maybe from her subconscious memory.

Finally she shares a video blog, summing up the other entries. There have been absolutely no leads as to her identity or history, friends or family. She asks whether anyone recognises her, and if they have any ideas to let her know.

...( Read the detailed list of events )

Chapter 2: Find them...

(March 3 - March 5)

People discover around the internet a number of others who are also seeking help about their situation - the tattoo in another language, their amnesia, and general disorientation. Homepages of Markus, Diego, MeiHui, Lucie, and Noriko are found. They've all awoken in labyrinths, but of different sizes or styles. They're helped to get in contact with each other, but the language barrier is proving difficult.

We find out more details about the attire each wore when they woke up - various kinds of blindfolds, athletic clothing, shoes. They're having dreams, of curves, lines, patterns. Ariadne is quite adept at learning T'ai Chi - surprisingly so. With a little research, it's thought that her skill can be attributed to 'kinesthetic memory' - muscle memory (she doesn't remember anything, but her body remembers what it's good at).

Larissa is found, though not being one of the amnesiacs herself, she knew a person four years ago who was - Renata. All she has of Renata's is a necklace she gave her. Renata has been missing since.

...( Read the detailed list of events )

Chapter 3: Find him...

(March 5 - March 10)

Ariadne suggests doing more research on the Olympic Games. So we look at the Official Olympic Games site. Mostly innocuous-looking... but what's that on the lower left-hand corner? A banner linking to a podcast series on "The Lost Games: Ancient Olympic Mysteries." Perhaps the Lost Games have something to do with the Lost Ring...

The Lost Games site turns out to be full of intriguing ancient trivia. But what's even more intriguing is the FAQ with historian Eli Hunt, especially the last item:

Q: How do I find the lost ring?
A: For the last time, I have no idea what you're talking about.

It is clear that this man knows more than he lets on. We plead with him to tell us more. At first he denies knowing anything about the matter, and even after we explain to him about the six amnesiacs he refuses to do more than hint that the mystery is too dangerous to look into.

But he does let slip that he has an upcoming lecture in Cardiff. Ariadne jumps on this information as an opportunity to confront Mr. Hunt in person (see trailer III). She succeeds in persuading Mr. Hunt to share his secret-- which leads us to the omphaputer.

...( Read the detailed list of events )

Chapter 4: Find the secret...

(March 11 - March 12)


...( Read the detailed list of events )

Chapter 5: Recover the secret...

March 13

rangerd identified the location along the coast of Newfoundland as STEPHENVILLE, a command recognized by the interface. The response was a navigation coordinate: 20478 Scorpio 24 degrees.
She went to The secret and inputs Sophrosune696 and her biostats.
She wonders about the purpose of the site, where it got her data and who runs this site.
Larissa talks mainly about the [Secret Artifact].
She wonders why it is in English and where are the ones who put it at the ancient Olympic site.
She says she understands now, that the others have amnesia because of the water of Lethe.
She also understands now, why Renata was not allowed to speak with her about all those things.
He went to The secret and inputs Thumos696 and his biostats.
He wonders about the purpose of the site, where it got his data and who runs this site.
Ariock determined the proper input method for entering the destination indicated by the STEPHENVILLE Omphalos. Approximately 20478 stadia from Stephenvile is Cardiff, where Ariadne currently is. The response indicates a location for an artifact.

March 14

Seems he's hoping he's harder to recognize by 'the people behind this thing'. And includes a small photo of his new hair.
Ariadne has picked up artifact #1 from Cardiff, revealing a message from Jorge and his circle of six who suffered a similar set of circumstances long ago. We are charged to help find all 27 chapters of the Codex of the Lost Ring, in order to save help our six amnesiacs save the world. This is page 1 & 2, Ch. 1.

March 15

The DONGYING Omphalos became active, giving its vector to the artifact. Approximately 3969 stadia from Dongying is Shanghai, where MeiHui may be the one to pick it up. provides a PDF download of the 2 pages by entering the confirmation codes found at the end of the 2nd page.
The STEPHENVILLE Omphalos was updated with a 2nd artifact vector. Approximately 20478 stadia Taurus 0 from Stephenville is Austin, TX.
  • The second artifact was recovered from the Austin location.
jasper has picked up artifact #2 from Austin, revealing two more pages (Ch. 2) of the Codex of the Lost Ring.
  • The full document of Austin's artifact is downloadable from by entering its confirmation code (or use this link).
  • Page translation has been added to the sidebar of the wiki, via Altavista's Babelfish.

March 16

Years ago Eli Hunt has found a book in the national library in Athens that led him to People received images of different pages from this book with handwritten notes.
Aridane posts the 2nd chapter of the codex of the lost ring and started a new forum thread. Ariadne calls the Omphalos location site the "ompha-puter"!
Diego memory was triggered by several events and he will begin a "geographical journey".
  • The third artifact was recovered from the Shanghai location. The code was relayed for direct download (link) from the Omphaputer.
Mara and L'el coordinated a pick up of artifact #3 from Shanghai, providing Ch. 4 of the Codex of the Lost Ring.
The RIBNITZ/DAMGARTEN Omphalos became active, providing its vector to an artifact - approximately 3586 stadia from Ribnitz-Damgarten is Stockholm, Sweden.

March 17

Ariadne posts the 3rd chapter of the codex of the lost ring and started a new forum thread.
Ariadne posts the 4th chapter of the codex of the lost ring and started a new forum thread.
Ariadne advises closer consideration of the notes Eli found, and what kind of connection there is to the New Atlantis.
  • The 4th artifact was recovered from the Stockholm location. The code was relayed for direct download (link) from the Omphaputer.
Jooon coordinated a pick up of artifact #4 from Stockholm, providing Ch. 3 of the Codex of the Lost Ring.
She wants us to build a Personality Test from the Codex ch.2 found in Cardiff.

March 18

He confess that he has more information about the 6 strenghts.
Lucie has not seen all Codex pages and wants French translations.
Lucie talks about the Lost Ring Codex and provides links to the artefacts which have been found.
The RIBNITZ/DAMGARTEN Omphalos was updated with a 2nd artifact vector. Approximately 3586 stadia Athena 22 from Ribnitz-Damgarten is Bruxelles, Belgium.
The LUNGLEI Omphalos became active, providing its vector to an artifact - approximately 47847 stadia Hestia 14 degree from Lunglei is Sydney, Australia.
A new interactive graph will show up. At the top the Schrödinger Equation is shown.
She writes about the Omphalos code and how it helped to identify the locations of the Artifacts

March 19

He provides a new image of the book with additional questions for the Personality Test.
  • The 5th artifact was recovered from the Sydney location. The code was relayed for direct download (link) from the Omphaputer.
mr.judkins coordinated a pick up of artifact #5 from Sydney, Australia, providing Ch. 5 of the Codex of the Lost Ring.
He wants German translations of the codex.
Markus feels his courage coming back and he says he doesn't want to hide anymore.
But no one has actually posted the code!
Ariadne posts the chapter 5 of the codex of the lost ring and started a forum thread. She also asks about the missing but recovered Bruxelles artifact.
He is now in Brasil after following Renata's and his geographical investigations.
(includes the following link to a news about Earthquakes in Brasilia)
She gives a short summary of the story so far.
She gives a long :-) summary of the story so far.
She filled out the test.

March 20

Araidne is now in the middle and the other fives are around her. All are connected.
She gives a short summary of the story so far.

March 21

He posted the German translation of the first chapter of the Codex of the lost ring. Nothing more!
He posted the German translation of the second chapter of the Codex of the lost ring. Nothing more!
He posted the German translation of the third chapter of the Codex of the lost ring. Nothing more!
Those 6 'attributes' that were discovered a while back attributed to our amnesiatic six now have a broader purpose - people can take a quiz, generated by the players, to determine which path to take in the game; which mysteries to solve, what help they can offer.
Are you Sofia, Thumos, Chariton, Dikaiosune, Sophrosune, or Mythopoeia? Take the test (link) and find out!

March 22

Some new photos included and Ariadne is not linked anymore directly to the other fives.
Introduction to the Personality Test.
(don't know when actually posted - assigned it to March 22)
(don't know when actually posted - assigned it to March 22)
(don't know when actually posted - assigned it to March 22)
(don't know when actually posted - assigned it to March 22)
Lucie emphasizes the importance of everyone identifying which of the 6 ancient forces is their strength
She explains how the Codex of the lost ring has been found so far and that there was a Personality Test.
She encourages people to make the test and even to make a video about their strengths.
(don't know when actually posted - assigned it to March 22)
(don't know when actually posted - assigned it to March 22)
(don't know when actually posted - assigned it to March 22)
(don't know when actually posted - assigned it to March 22)

March 23

She introduces the portuguese translation for the first chapter of the Codex, and briefly comments it.

March 24

  • It has begun - the Olympic flame has been lit, and begins its 130 day tour around the world.
"The Olympic flame lighting ceremony on Monday at the birthplace of Ancient Olympics launched the Olympic torch relay for the Beijing Games, which will last 130 days and cover 137,000 kilometers worldwide." (link)
Someone named Theo broke into her room, stole the Cardiff artifact and left a warning note on a postcard. Ariadne ironically says she'll leave Cardiff, but then makes clear she's going to stay true to her destiny, although she says she'll understand if people don't help her anymore.

March 25

He gives a short summary about the story so far and the personality test. He encourages people to make the test.
He posted the German translation of the fourth chapter of the Codex of the lost ring. Nothing more!
He posted the German translation of the fifth chapter of the Codex of the lost ring. Nothing more!
Help!!!! I want to read it too!!!
Chid12 contacted Miguel Angel via facebook. Miguel went to the place and found the following message (original was in French):
I'll communicate the recovery code to Lucie and Ariadne.
If you need it before, here it is
The 6th chaper of the Codex of the lost ring could be directly downloaded (link) from the Omphaputer.
She posted the Chapter 6 of the Codex of the lost ring.
She also requests a English-Mandarin translator for MeiHui - our Sofia!

March 26

New Delhi #1 - Navigate 31639 Scorpio 22 degrees
Boise #1 - Navigate 4473 Hermes 25 degrees
Lunglei #2 - Navigate 47847 Athena degrees 18

March 27

  • The Lunglei/Johannesburg Artifact has been recovered, leading to Codex chapter eleven page one and two.
  • Monica@Twitter: Intentando convencer a mi tía para que me deje entrar en la antigua casa de Alfredo. Misión 1: comprar una planta y una tarjeta de gatitos
Trying to convince my aunt to let me go into the former home of Alfredo. Mission 1: buy a plant and a card kittens

March 28

With a lot of uncertainty, she was eventually able to get in to her uncle's grandfather Alfredo's house and examine some of his nothing. Nothing stood out however, and wants to know if we have any idea of what she should be looking for.

March 29

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