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[edit] Noriko's Blog

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[edit] 第七章 (Chapter 7) (link)

[edit] March 27, 2008

こちら に日本語訳があるので、意見などどうぞ。(rupaZer0さん、ありがとう!)


(translation by rupaZer0)
This is chapter 7, which was found in Vancouver, Canada.

Here is a Japanese translation, tell me what you think.(Thanks, rupaZer0!)

I get the feeling that I understand the rules of the lost sport of the human labyrinth one by one. Does this envelope have any meaning? Discussion and ideas about this and a Japanese translation are here。(Thanks, Nitrogen!)

Tags: ring lost perditan trovu noriko アーティファクト のりこ labyrinth ラビリンス postcard 葉書 artifact 史書 new chapter codex la コデックス 第一章

[edit] Notes

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