The Game
From LostRing
[edit] The Game
- These are some of the specifics of the lost game itself, based off what evidence has been gathered from collected artifacts:
- (This is pure speculation, and is subject to change as more artifacts concerning the play of the game are recovered)
- For reports on training events that have taken place already, see Labyrinth Training Reports
[edit] Playing Requirements
- According to chapter 4 of the Codex of the Lost Ring, "Finding space for the labyrinth," there are three official labyrinth sizes:
- 3-Circuit Training Labyrinth
- 12x14 feet, or 168 sqft
- Four "turnings" needed to escape (Codex-4Ap2)
- At least 10 athletes, in addition to the runner (Codex-2Bp1)
- Diagram
- 5-Circuit Advanced Training Labyrinth
- 18x22 feet, or 396 sqft
- Five "turnings" needed to escape (Codex-4Ap2)
- At least 12 athletes, in addition to the runner (Codex-2Bp1)
- Diagram
- 7-Circuit Olympic Labyrinth
- 26x30 feet, or 780 sqft
- Eight "turnings" needed to escape (Codex-4Ap1)
- At least 15 athletes, in addition to the runner (Codex-2Bp1)
- Diagram
- 3-Circuit Training Labyrinth
- A synchronizing labyrinth is also mentioned, though it is unclear is this is a separate type of labyrinth or a special set-up of the three other types. About training labyrinths, the codex states, "A synchronizing labyrinth must be created at a special, predetermined place. The worlds will agree about a specific set of coordinates - longitude and latitude - for the center of the labyrinth. You must center your labyrinth at these chosen coordinates, or the synchronization will fail."
- The walls of the labyrinth are called clews. Two parallel clews, two feet apart, intersecting at exactly one point are needed to construct a labyrinth (Diagram) From chapter 6 of the codex, we can infer that the clews are laid out with string prior to the game. The athletes constituting the clew then stand on the string during play.
[edit] How to Play
The majority of this information is dervied from Codex-2Bp1 and Codex-5Ap1.
[edit] Set-Up
- The labyrinth must be marked out beforehand. The Codex suggests string, though some players have found chalk to be more efficient.
- Instructions for laying out a labyrinth using stakes and a rope
- Ariock has posted videos of constructing chalk and string 3-circuit labyrinths using this method.
- The runner begins at the center of the labyrinth.
- "All athletes, except the runner, stand on the string, forming a wall around the runner." (Codex-2Bp1) From the picture in the codex, it appears that the wall members hold hands.
- "Excepting that you bring together a very large team of 150 or more, you will not have enough athletes to make the entire labyrinth at the beginning of the competition. Instead, you will create the walls when they are needed, beginning in the center and accordingly outward. While the runner moves through the labyrinth, the wall moves with the runner." (Codex-2Bp1)
- Weezel created a very good flash gameplay instruction animation
[edit] Wall Behavior (Codex-2Bp1)
- The walls hum in order to help the runner determine their location.
- "When the runner approaches you, turn." (Codex-2Bp1) It's unclear exactly how the wall is supposed to turn--possibly towards the runner, in order to help them hear the sound of the humming more loudly.
- "When the runner goes by you, cease humming." (Codex-2Bp1)
- "When the runner is completely past you, go from your play and move as quickly as possible to create more of the wall along the path. The wall has to move faster than the runner to ensure that the the runner is always surrounded by walls." (Codex-2Bp1) The penalty for moving too slowly is unclear.
- "The wall never speaks to the runner." (Codex-2Bp1)
- "The wall must never intentionally touch the runner." (Codex-2Bp1)
- "If the runner becomes disoriented, the runner may run directly into the wall. The wall must maintain its balance and stand firm." (Codex-2Bp1)
- "The Sophrusune is responsible for ensuring that all members of the wall obey these rules." (Codex-2Bp1)
[edit] Runner Behavior (Codex-5Ap1)
- The runner must complete the labyrinth alone.
- The runner must be blindfolded.
- The runner must keep their arms folded across their chest, apparently gripping their shoulders. (Codex-5Ap1)
- Guided by the humming of the walls, the runner navigates their way through the labyrinth, taking the designated number of turnings in order to exit.
- "Speed is relative inside the labyrinth. The majority of the labyrinth runners do not in fact run instead they walk as quickly as possible. The majority of runners will never actually run an entire labyrinth to the end, even after years of training. It is an unobtainable achievement to which each runner aspires, but only the best succeed." (Codex-5Ap1)
[edit] Scoring
The labyrinth is a timed race. The goal is to exit the labyrinth as quickly as possible.
According to Codex-5Ap1, runners are disqualified on account of the following actions:
- Removing the blindfold
- Knocking a member of the wall to the ground
- Returning to the center by mistake
- Reversing direction and moving backwards to the center, past the end of the wall, if the wall is moving further along the path.
[edit] Positioning and Synchronization
- Positioning seems to be important, as is synchronizing the game with another labyrinth elsewhere in the world (or another?)