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AriadneEli HuntKaiDiegoLarissaLucieMarkusMeihuiMonicaNorikoRenata

[edit] Markus "Mystery"

Markus is another individual with amnesia and the same strange tattoo.

Given Name: Markus "Mystery"
Woke up in: City of Troy Labyrinth in York, UK on 2/12/2008
(he kept a Diary of the experience)
Current location: York
Websites: (link)

Flickr profile / Youtube profile

Email Address:
Language: German
Stats: 19, dark brown hair, green eyes, 1.80 m tall
Was Wearing: white shorts, tight white T-shirt and a classic black blindfold, he was not wearing any shoes
His Friend: Emily
Word from vision: Thumos (spiritedness)
Ancient Strength: Thumos


[edit] Personality Traits

  • Markus indicates an affinity for old buildings In this Flickr entry.
  • Markus' Youtube video has a certain amount of production value in contrast to the others. Instead of sitting and talking plainly into the camera; editing, lighting, movement, and changes of location are used. This could be the influence of Emily but the notes on his Flickr pictures border on poetic.
  • The name Markus was given to him by the first person he came across when he woke up. The man suggested it because that was the name of the man's dog who had recently passed away. Whether this reflects on Markus himself or not is difficult to say. (He's also lucky the dog wasn't named "Muffin" or "Skamp" or whatever is culturally equivalent for the UK.)
  • Sportive activity he seems to enjoy: running. (See correspondence with a German player.)

[edit] Youtube Profile

[edit] Videos

[edit] Erkennen Sie Mich? / Do you recognize me?
(transcription (blog entry))
[edit] Ich Habe Angst / I am afraid
(transcript (blog entry))
[edit] Eli Hunt's Geheime Webseite // Eli Hunt's secret website
(transcription (blog entry))
[edit] Der Codex // The Codex
(transcription (blog entry))
[edit] Wir müssen lernen // We must learn
(transcription (blog entry))
[edit] Eid Der Agonothetai // Agonethetai oath
(transcription (blog entry))
[edit] Training Video
(transcription (blog entry))

[edit] Flickr Profile

  • Markus belongs to a number of Deutschland groups, including a geocaching group.
[edit] Photos

(Markus's notes on his photos have been translated with this website)

City of Troy Labyrinth (link1, link2)

Hier bin ich aufgewacht. Ich weiss immer noch nicht wie ich hier her gekommen bin, oder wer ich wirklich bin.

(translation by Mirkomick)
Here I woke up. I still don't know how I got here , or who I really am.

Trovu la ringon perditan (link)

Dies Tätowierung... Ich habe keine ahnung wo sie herkommt, oder in welcher Sprache sie geschrieben worden ist. Trovu la ringon perditan" was könnte das denn heissen?

(translation by Mirkomick)
This tattoo... I have no idea where it comes from (meaning why I have it) or in which language it is written. Trovu la ringon perditan what could that mean?

Evil Eye (link)

Ich war in einer Bar zum Essen. Ich blieb eine weile dort aber ich niemanden erkannt. Ich habe gehofft das jemand mich erkennen würde. Ich will wissen wer ich bin und wo ich herkomme.

(translation by Mirkomick)
I was dining in a pub. I stayed there some time, however, I recognized nobody. I hoped somebody would recognize me. I want to know who I am and where I come from.

Kirche in York (link)

Ich mag dieses gebäude. Es beruhigt mich irgendwie, weil ich weiss das es Jahrhunderte lang dort gewesen ist. Vielleicht kann ich in meiner zukunft meine vergangenheit wider finden?

(translation by Mirkomick)
I like this building. It calms me somehow because I know it has been here for centuries. Maybe I can recover my past in my future?

Hilfe (link)

Ich habe Amnesie. Ich habe Angst das ich wieder alles vergessen werde. Falls das passiert, hoffe ich, das ich diese Fotos wieder finde.

(translation by Mirkomick)
I have Amnesia. I'm afraid I will forget everything again. If this happens, I hope that I will rediscover these photos.
Book in the background: The Lion and the Rose by Richard De Methley

Ich Bin Alleine (link)

Leute schauen an mir vorbei. Es ist als ob ich unsichtbar bin.

People look past me. It is as if I am invisible.

??? (link)

Wer bin ich und wo komme ich her?

Who am I and where do I come from?

Alleine (link)

Ich kenne diese Stadt nicht. Sie ist mir total fremd. Niemand ausser mir versteht, wie wichtig es ist, sich an die Vergangenheit erinnern zu können.

(translation by Mirkomick)
I do not know this town. It is totally strange/Foreign to me. Nobody except me understands how important it is to be able to remember the past.

Clifford's Tower (link)

Sogar von hier oben kann ich nichts sehen das ich erkenne. Ich bin am leben aber ohne meine erinnerungen fühle ich mich so als ob mein Leben kein Zweck hat.

(translation by Mirkomick)
Even from here above I can see nothing I recognize/remember. I am alive but without my memories I feel as if my life has no purpose.

Was über meinen Augen war als ich erwachte(link)

Ich weiss das viele von euch ein Bild davon wollten. Ich hoffe dies hilft euch irgendwie!

(translation by enaxor)
Photo Title:
"What was on my mind when I awoke"
I know that many of you wanted a picture of them. I hope this helps you somehow!

[edit] Communication With

[edit] Blog

[edit] Diary

[edit] Email

[edit] Twitter

(profile link)

  • ist gerade aufgewacht und will jetzt Joggen gehen! -- 03:55 AM March 14, 2008 from web
  • is learning english! it all coming back to me, like i knew it before -- 11:04 AM March 28, 2008 from web
  • hat total viel Energie -- 08:49 AM March 30, 2008 from web
  • markus will mit euch trainieren. Könnt ihr das organisieren? -- 03:30 AM April 02, 2008 from web
  • markus ist mit Ariadne unterwegs -- 09:41 AM April 03, 2008 from web
  • markus will nicht mehr unbekannt sein. Sagt anderen von unseren Situation! -- 2008-04-04T02:16:17 from web
  • markus hat es geschafft, das Labyrinth blind zu laufen! Ariadne hat es in Kreide für mich auf das Pflaster zu malen! -- Sat Apr 12 01:40:31 2008 from web
  • markus ist müde nachdem er fast den ganzen Tag Sport getrieben hat -- Sat Apr 12 01:41:03 2008 from web
  • markus ist gerade aufgewacht und geht eine weile joggen! -- Sat Apr 12 06:55:57 2008 from web
  • Markus geht in ein paar Stunden zum Flughafen 07:15 AM April 16, 2008 from Twinkle
  • Ich glaube ich habe "Theo" gesehen aber da bin ich mir nicht sicher! Ich bin in Newcastle 09:28 AM April 16, 2008 from Twinkle
  • Die Leute hier sprechen komisches Englisch, ich kann es kaum kapieren! -- 2008-04-17T11:58:34 from Twinkle
  • Has just woken up and wants to do jogging now! -- 03:55 AM March 14, 2008 from web
  • Is learning English! It all coming back to me, like i knew it before - 11:04 AM March 28, 2008 from web
  • Has very much energy - 08:49 AM March 30, 2008 from web
  • Markus wants to train with you. Can you organize that? -- 03:30 AM April 02, 2008 from web
  • Markus is on the road with Ariadne - 09:41 AM April 03, 2008 from web
  • Markus doesn't want to be unknown any longer. Tell others of our situation! -- 2008-04-04T02:16:17 from web
  • markus managed to run the labyrinth blindfolded! Ariadne had drawn it on the pavement with chalk for me! -- Sat Apr 12 01:40:31 2008 from web
  • markus is tired after doing sports the whole day -- Sat Apr 12 01:41:03 2008 from web
  • markus has just woken up and will go jogging for a while! -- Sat Apr 12 06:55:57 2008 from web
  • I think I have seen "Theo", but I'm not sure! I'm in Newcastle -- Wed Apr 16 09:28 2008 from Twinkle
  • The people here speak a strange English, I can hardly understand it! -- Thu Apr 17 11:58:34 from Twinkle

[edit] Other notes

[edit] City of Troy Labyrinth
  • The turf maze in York England where Marcus awoke is discussed here.

Characters (box)

AriadneEli HuntKaiDiegoLarissaLucieMarkusMeihuiMonicaNorikoRenata

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