From LostRing
[edit] Larissa
Larissa is a young woman in San Paulo, Brazil, who knew a girl named Renata in the same situation as Ariadne, but four years ago.
Name: | Larissa |
Current Location: | Los Angeles |
Websites: | (link) |
Her friend: | ? |
Language: | Portuguese |
Ancient Strength: | Chariton |
[edit] Youtube Videos
[edit] Ariadne eu posso te ajudar // Ariadne, i can help you
[edit] A confissão de Eli // Eli's Confession
[edit] Teste de Personalidade // personality test
[edit] O novo podcast de Eli Hunt // A new podcast from Eli Hunt
[edit] A verdadeira identidade de Theo // The true identity of Theo
[edit] Labirinto Pessoal // Personal Labyrinth
[edit] Hollywood
[edit] Sobre as visões da Ariadne // About the visions of Ariadne
[edit] Labirinto Pessoal em Griffith Park // Personal labyrinth in Griffith Park
[edit] Sobre o email do Eli // About the email of Eli
[edit] Missão // Mission
[edit] A mensagem de Renata // The message from Renata
[edit] The oath
[edit] Encontrei Kentaro! // Encounter Kentaro
[edit] O juramento // The oath
[edit] Partindo para a China // leaving for China
[edit] Viagem para Pequim // Trip to Beijing
[edit] Preciso de Ajuda // Need help
[edit] Talk to Meihui part I
[edit] Convencemos Meihui part II // Convincing Meihui part II
[edit] A ligação de Renata // the call from Renata
[edit] Tchao pessoal // Bye all
[edit] = Communication With
[edit] Blog
- She maintains her own blog (link)
[edit] Email
6/10/08 #1 - plans regarding her "joining" to Theo.
[edit] Twitter
- Eu sou Chariton! E vocês? Venham fazer o teste de personalidade! E cumprir as missões de força! -- 01:09 AM March 27, 2008 from web
- Analisando as missões de força!!!! -- 01:11 AM March 27, 2008 from web
- conversando com minha tia que mora em Goiás pelo telefone. -- 03:34 PM March 27, 2008 from web
- estou anciosa pela volta de Diego! Precisamos conversar! -- 11:09 PM March 31, 2008 from web
- caindo de fome! saindo para ir na padaria! -- 01:10 PM April 01, 2008 from web
- soso, mosquito, e doug estão moderando a comunidade no orkut! Acho que teremos nosso primeiro treino do labirinto em breve! -- 06:14 PM April 03, 2008 from web
- Soso achou o capitulo 14 do codex em São Paulo!!!!! Muito bem, garotinha!!!! -- 12:27 PM April 04, 2008 from web
- Estou muito gripada e de cama...Theo conseguiu que eu ficasse doente...mas não por muito tempo! -- 2008-04-06T18:58:36
- Anciosa para ver as fotos do treino desse fim de semana! -- 2008-04-06T18:58:58
- voltando pra casa semana que vem! Theo não vai me intimidar mais! -- 03:00 PM April 12, 2008 from web
- A galera de Sampa já estão organizando um segundo treino! Coloquem no, tag "lostring" p/q apareça no mapa mundial de atividades -- 04:00 PM April 12, 2008 from web
- ok, vocês viram o video da Ariadne? Qual é o código que ela falou para tentarmos no omphaputer. Não entendi! my bad english! #lostring -- 12:20 AM April 19, 2008 from web
- traduzindo as missões de força! #lostring -- 2008-04-25T15:16:29 from web
- Esperando resposta de Noriko sobre EUA #lostring 2008-04-30T16:58:23+00:00 from web
- Indo em busca de Renata semana que vem. Obrigada Noriko! #lostring 2008-05-05T01:06:41+00:00 from web
- Indo para o aeroporto. Agradeço a todos os meus amigos pelo apoio...Jorge, Muskito, Soso, Doug, Davi, Glenyo...enfim todos...#lostring 2008-05-07T21:32:56+00:00 from web
- Cheguei Na Califórnia sã e salva. Pronta a encontrar minha amiga! #lostring 2008-05-09T03:56:40+00:00 from web
- Ariadne está numa crise por causa das visões do labirinto pessoal. Vamos mandar emails p/ ela, mostando-a que não está sozinha. #lostring ... 2008-05-14T15:19:23+00:00 from web
- Conseguiremos fazer um treino de labirinto no Brasil no dia 7 de junho. Para sincronizar com o de NY? #lostring 2008-05-17T05:22:20+00:00 from web
- Allies in L.A come help me in my personal labyrinth. Check out the details at #lostring 2008-05-19T19:26:23+00:00 from web
- Personal Labyrinth countdown - 3 hours left! #lostring 2008-05-20T21:57:05+00:00 from web
- Treino de Labirinto no Parque Ibirapuera dia 7 de junho as 18:00. #lostring 2008-05-23T15:44:55+00:00 from web
Personal Labyrinth countdown - 3 hours left! #lostring 2008-05-20T21:57:05+00:00 from web
- I am Chariton! And you? Come to the test of personality! And meet the missions of force! -- 01:09 AM March 27, 2008 from web
- Analyzing the strength missions!! -- 01:11 AM March 27, 2008 from web
- Chatting with my aunt who lives in Goias by telephone. -- 03:34 am March 27, 2008 from web
- I'm anxious about Diego getting back! We need to talk! -- 11:09 a.m. PM March 31, 2008 from web
- Falling from hunger! Leaving to go at the bakery! -- 01:10 PM April 01, 2008 from web
- Soso, mosquito, and doug are moderating the community orkut! I think we will have our first training of the labyrinth soon! -- 06:14 PM April 03, 2008 from web
- Soso found the chapter 14 of the codex in Sao Paulo !!!!! Well, little girl!! -- 12:27 PM April 04, 2008 from web
- I'm with a huge flu, and in bed... Theo made me get sick... but not for much time! -- 2008-04-06T18:58:36
- Anxious to see the photos of the trainings of this weekend! -- 2008-04-06T18:58:58
- coming back home next week! Theo will will not intimidate me anymore! -- 03:00 PM April 12, 2008 from web
- Dudes in Sampa(short for Sao Paulo, like Philly is for Philadelphia)are already organizing as trainings! Put it on, tag it "lostring" so it appears in the world activity map. -- 04:00 PM April 12, 2008 from web
- Ok, you saw the video of Ariadne? What is the code that she says to put in the omphaputer? I couldn't understand! My bad English! #lostring - 12:20 PM April 19, 2008 from web
- Translating the strength missions! #lostring - 2008-04-25T15: 16:29 from web
- Waiting for Noriko's answer about the USA #lostring 2008-04-30T16:58:23+00:00 from web
- Going after Renata next week. Thank you Noriko! #lostring 2008-05-05T01:06:41+00:00 from web
- Going to the airport. I thank all my friends for the support...Jorge, Muskito, Soso, Doug, Davi, Glenyo...well, everybody...#lostring 2008-05-07T21:32:56+00:00 from web
- Landed in California well and alive. Ready to find my friend! #lostring 2008-05-09T03:56:40+00:00 from web
- Ariadne is in a crisis because of the visions at her personal labyrinth. Let' e-mail her, to show her that she's not alone! #lostring ... 2008-05-14T15:19:23+00:00 from web
- Will we be able to do a synchronizing labyrinth in Brazil June 7th, to synchronize with NY? #lostring 2008-05-17T05:22:20+00:00 from web
- Allies in L.A come help me in my personal labyrinth. Check out the details at #lostring 2008-05-19T19:26:23+00:00 from web
- Labyrinth training session at Ibirapuera Park June 7th 6PM. #lostring 2008-05-23T15:44:55+00:00 from web
Characters (box) |
Ariadne • Eli Hunt • Kai • Diego • Larissa • Lucie • Markus • Meihui • Monica • Noriko • Renata |