
From LostRing

Revision as of 22:23, 25 July 2008 by AUZ505 (Talk | contribs)
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// Ring keeper #5 (July 25, 2008)
Great. Here's how it will go down.
You'll be stationed on Highland Avenue in front of the Marfa Book Company bookstore between 1:30 PM and 2PM.
You'll be disguised as a street musicians. It doesn't matter what you do, just make it convincing.
Put out a hat.
At some point, I'll drop a tip in the hat. After 2PM, you'll use that tip to figure out the location of the ring, which you'll retrieve IMMEDIATELY nearby.
I will NOT stop to talk with you.
If you attempt to follow me, I will contact a teammate and have the ring removed before you can get to it.
Understood? Please confirm.
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