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Chapter 11-1: Many Worlds
(translation by GeekDream)
Each Act doesn't have equal and opposite reaction. You named turn to the left, for example, at the same time creating a parallel universe in which you turn right.

However, that is exactly what occurs.

Parallel Universe

Reality is made out of many parallel universes -- Trillions and Trillions of Parallel Universes.

Each Universe represents a unique version of how reality can exist.

Think about Reality as a giant tree with trillions of branches that grow in different directions. Each branch represents different worlds where unique versions of reality occur.

When {land} decisions are make in one world, for each possible result which happens, A New couple of branches grow out of the tree representing that. These decisions are being done to the world of those people,and this idea is repeated again and again.

Each branch is the quantity of reality of another branch, although they often {malajn} version of reality.

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