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Chapter 9: From stone to human
(translation by Nicolas)
From Stone to Human

This much we know.

In 480 BC, an alliance of Ancient Greek city-states forbade the Labyrinth as a sport. A decree announced:

The power of these blindfolded athletes is too great.

The Labyrinth permits mere mortals to see that which we are not entitled to see.

We offended the Gods.

We plead for their absolution of us.

The Labyrinth sport no longer exists.

Almost every single stone labyrinth was “dismunita” (taken down). Only labyrinths made for worship of the gods remained unspoiled, and they were carefully guarded in order to forbid the athletes from daydreaming (fantasizing?).

Training diaries, plaques of champions, statues of heroes – all indications of the Labyrinth athletes were destroyed.

The post of the Olympic agonothetai, the official organizers and judges of the Labyrinth, was abolished forever.

Most importantly, organizing a Labyrinth event was declared a crime against the gods – punishable with lifelong exile.

This had to be the end of the Labyrinth. But it was not.

A secret society of former agonothetai refused to abandon the sport. They wrote a pact:

The most important game should not be forgotten. The ring must not be broken. In order to retain the worlds within, we will continue the playing.

They thus decided to continue both the training and competition of Labyrinth runners. No longer heroes of the Ancient Olympiad, the runners would be secret keepers of the great tradition.

But in order to avoid being found and removed, the agonothetai needed a way to build labyrinths which could be born out of nothing and would leave no sign behind.

Since that moment, the sport changed forever. Instead of stone walls, the Labyrinth should be alive.

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