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(translation by thebruce)
The Codex of the Lost Ring
Antwerp - 11 November 1918

Today, we're optimistic. We believe we've found a way home, that the calculations of Rakhee are right, and that Akira's map will show us the way. We trust that Jules' theory about athletic synchronization is right, so even if we start to leave now, your world will have a second chance.

But we know how easily ancient traditions are lost. We saw how quickly (the limitations) were forgotten. The recidivism of 1916 shows how delicate the system can be.

We've taken 27 years in order to find our way, and finally, Jorge's plan for good luck to change history - Pierre de Coubertin's big project - gave us the best chance. But if you're reading this letter, we failed - and you will not have the luxury of waiting. You will have to write your own history.

So we leave behind this Codex. It details everything, what we learnt about the six of us, why we were sent here, and how the world works - and how we failed.

We saw the consequences of this failure. During almost three decades, Micha was haunted with sights of broken worlds and worlds crushed. And if you found this first chapter of the Codex, your world is now in danger of dying.

But it doesn't have to be this way. You can help. You must help. Find all 27 chapters of this Codex, and you'll be the new Image:Artifact1p1-greek.jpg {agonothetai} - powerful ring-leaders in a mission to recover the ancient secrets and bring back the grand traditions!

There has never existed a greater responsibility in this world, that what you have now.
And there's never been a bigger story than that which we're ready to give to you.

(signatures - Kelly, Micha, Jules, Jorge, Akira, Rhakee)
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