User talk:Duque88

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Revision as of 01:52, 2 June 2008 by Duque88 (Talk | contribs)
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Tags: amnesia taichi johannesburg goggles labyrinth kai video ariadne

citylab v1.jpg

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citylab v2.jpg

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citylab car.jpg

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Viewed   2 Time(s)

An omphalos is an ancient artifact a hollow, dome-shaped stone, several feet tall, carved with a knotted netting around its entire surface. The Greeks believed that during religious rituals an omphalos could serve as a portal into the world of the Gods. So they installed an omphalos at every major temple throughout the Hellenic world in order for for their oracles to receive visions from the Gods.

What many people do not realize today, is that besides this religious function, the sacred stones served another important purpose in ancient Greek life. The omphaloi also stood as secret way-points for travelers.

From any single omphalos, a person could easily plot a course to anywhere else in the ancient world. Of course, that person would have to know the code used to inscribe the omphaloi with navigational instructions. A code made of of a combination of astronomy, mythology, and earth science.

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