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Ariadne's Blog

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We lost the Hong Kong artifact?? Help! (link)

April 13, 09.19am
Team Chariton, you're amazing. Thanks to your creative outreach, we've finally got some strange news from Eli Hunt.
It has been WEEKS of total silence from Mr. Hunt. We have no idea why he went to South America, or what he's doing there. The "ancient Olympic artifact investigation" is obviously just a cover story. We've been waiting and wondering... what is Mr. Hunt really up to?
Well, it seems like it took a lot of weird tactics to get Mr.Hunt to write back and update us... art history interrogations, haiku poetry, and geopolitical theory to name a few of the ploys that worked. I guess you really figured out what makes Mr. Hunt tick. Weird stuff. Well, way to put the chariton strength to use!
Here are some emails he sent yesterday - there is more on the forums:
AWOL is safer.
They must not see me coming.
Theo won't win again.
Perhaps there are other researchers, other historians, other organizations who have been keeping the secret of the lost ring for decades... or centuries... or longer. Maybe if we find them, we will be better able to complete our mission to find the lost ring.
However, at the moment, I am concentrating on a different problem. I am not looking for our allies. I am looking for our antagonists.
I fear that there are counter-agonothetai working as actively as weare to prevent synchronization of the multiverse. But why? And how? Who are they, and where do they come from? How long have they been working on their counter-mission?
As strange as this may sound, I believe that to defeat them, we may need to work with them. Know thy enemy. I am hoping to learn the counter-agonothetai are, and how they might have been able to persuade agonothetai to join forces with them on their counter-mission...
If you wish to help, your skepticism could be a strength.
If you were skeptical of the allies' missions to synchronize the multiverse, how would you attack it? What hard questions would you ask? What assumptions could be faulted in our desire to find the lost ring and restore the multiverse olympiad?
Sincerely yours,
Eli Hunt
So: What next?
It's good that Eli is at least communicating with some of us again. Yes, he is being frustratingly vague. As usual. But I think we've learned a lot already just from these emails.
He's still ignoring all emails from me, and from all of the other labyrinth travelers. (Diego, Markus, Noriko, Lucie, and Meihui.) But he seems to be comfortable talking to some of our agonothetai from THIS WORLD. (In other words, YOU guys!)
What do you think is the best game plan now for continuing to get information from Eli? Is he on to something? Should we be trying to help?

Tags: sofia dikaiosune artifact codex


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