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|language=Portuguese |language=Portuguese
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|translation= |translation=
:I was examining the first document found by Ariadne in Cardiff, it's the first chapter of the "Lost Ring Codex". Redico translated it to portuguese, and I'm puting the originals here. Jorge and his companions failed. They seemed desperate to go back home... in the codex he/it mentions that "even if we leave now, our world will have a second chance". They talk as if they were leaving earth. Is it another code to get us confused?... I thought they were trying to help us. Isn't it the codex's function? They had 27 years, but it seems to me that we won't even have one. Time is running out! :I was examining the first document found by Ariadne in Cardiff, it's the first chapter of the "Lost Ring Codex". Redico translated it to portuguese, and I'm puting the originals here. Jorge and his companions failed. They seemed desperate to go back home... in the codex he/it mentions that "even if we leave now, our world will have a second chance". They talk as if they were leaving earth. Is it another code to get us confused?... I thought they were trying to help us. Isn't it the codex's function? They had 27 years, but it seems to me that we won't even have one. Time is running out!

Revision as of 21:38, 24 March 2008

Larissa's Blog

<-- Full listing (direct link)

O Primeiro Capítulo do "Lost Ring Codex" // The first chapter of the "lost ring codex" (link)

March 23, 2008 4:14
Estava examinando o primeiro documento achado por Ariadne em Cardiff, ele é o primeiro capítulo do “Lost Ring Codex.” Redivo o traduziu para português, e eu estou colocando os originais aqui. Jorge e seus companheiros falharam! Eles pareciam desesperados para voltar pra codex fala que “mesmo se partirmos agora, nosso mundo terá uma segunda chance.” Eles falam como se estivessem partindo da Terra. Será que é mais um código para nos confundir?....Achava que eles queriam nos ajudar. Não é essa a função do codex? Eles tiveram 27 anos, mas me parece que não teremos nem um. Time is running out!


I was examining the first document found by Ariadne in Cardiff, it's the first chapter of the "Lost Ring Codex". Redico translated it to portuguese, and I'm puting the originals here. Jorge and his companions failed. They seemed desperate to go back home... in the codex he/it mentions that "even if we leave now, our world will have a second chance". They talk as if they were leaving earth. Is it another code to get us confused?... I thought they were trying to help us. Isn't it the codex's function? They had 27 years, but it seems to me that we won't even have one. Time is running out!

Tags: lost, ring, codex, jorge, first, document


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