Find The Third Ring

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              amitabh    ringo 
This is agent Amitabh

                  omphalos # doc [0:16]                                       hermes [0:20]
#3 was earlier at Omphalos #10 about 26 stadia from there in the direction of hermes(?) 23.

                             stadia [0:26]
From there the ring is 26-69 stadia in the

Kiduri a appolo pandrara ki diska mem         kelaehe. [0:30]
         apollo 15       in the direction of 

He has

Egor cakkara, ja chupa hua he. [0:36]
     ring        hidden

O e citrasala mem,     cakkaravyu kenmandea e sar dekaidetahe. [0:40]
    in picture gallery labyrinth

The ring should be in something shaped like a labyrinth on a picture

E tina  circuit, bai or dekahta u or cakkaravyu he.[0:46]
  three circuit,                     labyrinth

on the right side. 

Eka dasamalava chiyasi stadia, lambikkat, cakkaravyu kii pravesa mem, [0:54]
one point      86      stadia  tall       labyrinth      at entrance

rata aura dina, ki sthiti  e. [0:56]
night and day   ?? position ?

Or a cakkaravyu, kah cross appolo bisa ki disha mem,        kii chigeie. [1:02]
     labyrinth       cross appolo 20   in the direction of

When you go around the outside of the dart board shaped area

you'll need to tell a password to the gatekeeper.
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