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Chapter 2: The 6 Travellers (2/2)
(translation by Limako and Verdulo)
We left this Codex behind us because we realized, that we were possibly not the first six sent to this world, and maybe not the last either. We want to help future travellers learn and act more quickly than us. One thing -- it was very difficult to be separated from our families and homes during this long time. Another thing is, that with each passing year, we carry the heavy burden of the knowledge that we risked the loss of other worlds. Because of those two things, it is imperative that some future initiation and activation be sped up by as many memory aids (as) possible.

This codex is your memory aid, and your clue.

We chose the language Esperanto for this text because of the difficulties we had communicating with each other. We are encouraged by the invention of a universal language, and intend, when we come back home, to write our own versions of the great work of Szmurlo. With a bit of good luck, by the time you read this, Esperanto will have become a second language for all universal travelers. Since it is still a new language for us, we hope you will forgive some translation errors which we made.

We are making seven copies of this text and intend to come home with one text each, leaving one behind here, spread out across the globe to ensure that it will be found and understood only by travelers of the same type. Accidental initiation and activation could be extremely dangerous for your world, and therefore we have tried to make it almost completely impossible for someone to have the knowledge herein unless they were sent on a mission to get it back.

We have signed every chapter of this copy with a proof of recovery, so if communication is restored across the worlds, we will be able to follow your progress. We believe that by help of this codex, you will be able to complete your mission within 5 years.

Remember, this is only the second of 27 chapters in the codex. We wish you good luck and safe travels in the vast voyages which you are undertaking to get them back.

Proof of recovery: JR01/SPL7/AG2I/JR28/1FB7

Translator's note: the word for "recovery" here (rehavigi) has a suffix (-ig-) which might imply getting something back for someone else, not for yourself.

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