From LostRing
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[edit] Find The Lost Ring .com
- Link:
- March 3rd, 2008: Ariadne's blog became active.
- March 7th, 2008: Blog sections for Markus, Diego, Lucie, Noriko, MeiHui, and Larissa were created.
- March 10th, 2008: Forum/community discussion areas went live for each person
Homepages: [ Ariadne | Diego | Larissa | Lucie | Markus | MeiHui | Monica | Noriko ]
[edit] Ariadne
- My memory is gone.
- I have a strange tattoo - it's my only clue.
- Doctors say I'm an Olympic-caliber athlete
- So far nobody recognizes me...
- Links to Digg,, Reddit
[edit] Ariadne's Blog entries
- 3/01/08 2:28pm: The strange dream I keep having - what does it mean? (link)
- 3/01/08 2:42pm: How I got here (Part II) (link)
- 3/01/08 2:56pm: How I got here (Part I) (link)
- 3/01/08 2:59pm: The weirdest goggles ever (link)
- 3/01/08 3:02pm: The weirdest tattoo ever (link)
- 3/01/08 3:04pm: Hello, world. I need your help. (link) [video]
- 3/01/08 3:09pm: Meet Kai (link)
- 3/02/08 9:54am: Where I woke up (link)
- 3/04/08 6:36am: My life is weird (updated) (link)
- 3/04/08 7:11am: There are at least 5 of us with amnesia (link)
- 3/05/08 12:17pm: This guy knows more about the lost ring than he's saying (link)
- 3/06/08 9:52pm: Wish me luck (link) [video]
- 3/09/08 10:24pm: He wants to share his secret (Updated 3/12) (link)
- 3/14/08 11:23am: We have proof! But what does it mean?? (link) [video]
- 3/14/08 5:57pm: Look what I found: Weird hidden documents! (link) - Chapter 1 of the Codex
- 3/16/08 11:32am: More hidden documents! (link) - Chapter 2 of the Codex
- 3/17/08 11:09am: A new secret chapter was found in Stockholm! (link) - Chapter 3 of the Codex
- 3/17/08 11:13am: Another page of "The Lost Ring Codex" found in Shanghai! (link) - Chapter 4 of the Codex
- 3/17/08 3:56pm: Strange notes found by Eli (link)
- 3/19/08 3:01pm: A new secret chapter was found in Sydney! (link) - Chapter 5 of the Codex
- 3/23/08 8:59am: A weird dream about an earthquake (link) [video]
- 3/24/08 7:52pm: Someone stole the artifact (link)
- 3/25/08 10:31pm: We found the Bruxelles artifact! (Well, sort of... weird!!) (link) - Chapter 6 of the Codex
- 3/27/08 9:36am: We found 3 new artifacts! (Thank you Vancouver, Tokyo, and Johannesburg!) (link) - Chapter 7, 8, 11 of the Codex (updated 3/28/08 ??)
- 3/28/08 3:17pm: Let's play the Lost Sport (link) [video]
- 3/30/08 12:46pm: The True Story of the Labyrinth, and weird Eli Hunt news... (link)
- 3/31/08 12:55: pm found a new artifact in Buenos Aires! (And welcome to our mission!) (link)
- 4/04/08 08:40am: The Codex is found in Seoul, Sao Paolo, and San Francisco! (link)
- 4/07/08 08:21pm: The Danger of Neopangaea! (link)
- 4/11/08 02:07pm: Are you ready to take the secret oath? (link)
- 4/13/08 09:08am: We found "The Prophecy" - but we lost much more?? (link)
- 4/13/08 09:19am: We lost the Hong Kong artifact?? Help! (link)
- 4/13/08 10:32am: How do you plan a Multiverse Olympics? (link)
- 4/14/08 11:02am: The theory of athletic synchronization (link)
- 4/14/08 11:35am: Strange news from Eli Hunt... (link)
- 4/15/08 09:46am: The Secrets of the Omphalos (link)
- 4/15/08 10:14am: Parallel Selves and Personal Labyrinths (link)
- 4/15/08 10:31am: The Lost Theory of Pangaea (link)
- 4/17/08 12:07pm: Memories of a Parallel World? (link) [video]
- 4/21/08 08:35pm: Introducing the PanCosmologizer (link)
- 4/22/08 06:05am: Find the Lost Ring is Mobile (link)
- 4/23/08 12:39pm: How to Make an Omphalos (link)
- 4/24/08 9:24am: What do we know so far? A top 10 list! (link)
- 4/24/08 8:45am: The Lost Sport Training Report! #1 (link) [video]
- 4/24/08 4:05pm: Visions of Scary Stuff (link)
- 4/29/08 5:36pm: Our way home - giant labyrinths? (link)
- 4/29/08 5::54pm: The city labyrinth - a clue from the Original 6? (link)
- 5/04/08 10:17am: Ariadne's dance? (link)
- 5/13/08 5:48pm: Urgent message for Ariadne (link) - A message from Kai
- 5/14/08 12:26pm: Labyrinth Training Festival - and What Did You Do to the Multiverse!!! (link) - A message from Kai
- 5/14/08 3:50pm: Our New Mission - Turn a Bad Guy into a Good Guy (link) [video] - A message from Kai
- 5/19/08 9:07am: I'm dangerous (link) [video]
- 5/19/08 9:11am: I killed them (link) [video]
- 5/24/08 12:17pm: Urgent mission: Who wants a trackstick? (link) - A message from Kai (Updated 5/26/08)
- 5/26/08 8:55am: Advice from Eli Hunt - how to make an omphalabyrinth (link) - A message from Kai
- 5/29/08 2:00pm: A lost ring from 1920 (link)
- 5/30/08 11:23am: The Promise (link)
- 5/30/08 10:11pm: Everybody, let's design the city labyrinths! (link)
- 6/01/08 10:08am: Video of the Ambush Mission (UPDATED x2) (link) [video]
- 6/01/08 1:22pm: Theo's mission - now we know the truth (link)
- 6/03/08 9:00am: OMG. I remember my name. I'm ALEX! (link) [video]
- 6/04/08 8:98am: Playing the Lost Sport? Want to learn? Download these! (link) [video]
- 6/10/08 4:08pm: Find the lost ring on Seero and Google Earth! (link)
- 6/11/08 1:12pm: Can we win the gold on August 24th? (link) [video]
- 6/11/08 3:53pm: We are so close to the final secret! (link)
- 6/15/08 10:21am: We know how to find The Sixth Ring!! (link)
- 6/16/08 5:34pm: WOW. Our first two city-scale labyrinths! (UPDATED x2) (link)
- 6/20/08 7:12am: HELP. WE CAN'T TRUST HIM ANYMORE. (link)
- 6/23/08 11:22am: Bangkok, Wellington, and Melbourne have city labyrinths! (link)
- 6/26/08 2:21pm: A new ally? Read this Mystery Message!! (link)
- 7/07/08 11:08am: Team Wellington PWNS the Multiverse! PLUS: Submit your Olympic team roster (link)
- 7/07/08 12:27pm: Omph Strength Updates - 17 Labyrinths to Go! (link)
- 7/08/08 8:29pm: Record-breaking lost sport videos! (and upload YOUR best labyrinth runs) (link) [videos]
- 7/14/08 2:06pm: Can YOU help us finish the omphalos network? (link)
- 7/14/08 2:30pm: For The Win: Kyoto, Paris, Austin, Dallas, Madrid, and La Plata! (link)
- 7/15/08 9:02am: The Lost Sport Championships - Get Ready for August 23/24! (link) [videos]
- 7/16/08 11:42am: Family, friends, enemies, teammates? HELP. (link)
- 7/17/08 2:06pm: Lost Sport Coaching from Edwin Moses! (link)
- 7/21/08 1:24pm: OMPHAPOWER! From Salvador, Brazil; Laval, France; and Garden City, US! (link)
- 7/21/08 12:54pm: YOU HAVE AN URGENT NEW MISSION - GO NORTH!!! (link) - updated 7/22/08 9:30am - updated 7/22/08 3:35pm
- 7/22/08 12:47pm: The Lost Sport Report! NEW WORLDS RECORD! (link) [videos]
- 7/28/08: OMPHA-POWER! Two more city labyrinths bring us closer... (link)
- 7/28/08: IN YOUR FACE. (A message to The Opposition) (link) [videos]
- 8/01/08: Guest podcast! The mysteries of the ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM! (Updated) (link)
- 8/04/08: You made some sweet, sweet omphalabyrinths this weekend! (link)
- 8/04/08: IMPORTANT MESSAGE from ELI HUNT - re: the Lost Sport @ the Olympics (link)
- 8/06/08: Take the Secret Oath during the Olympic Opening Ceremonies! (link)
- 8/06/08: OMG. We made the omph knot!! (link)
- 8/10/08: Our final missions before Beijing! SOLVING THE SIXTH RING (link)
- 8/10/08: The Human Labyrinth World Championship Teams are Announced! (link)
- 8/13/08: Beijing, and the big decision I still have to make... (link) [video]
- 8/15/08: Delphi vs. Beijing (link)
- 8/18/08: Goodbye Eli (link)
- 8/21/08: Crazy training and amazing missions in Beijing! (link)
- 8/22/08: The lost sport world championships are in less than 24 hours!!! (link)
- 8/23/08: Beijing Omphalabyrinth! (link)
- 8/23/08: Calling all lost sport athletes! Coaching from Edwin Moses! (link)
- 8/23/08: We did it! 11 circuits by design, 40 stadia from the opening ceremonies... (link)
- 8/23/08: Update from the Great Wall of China (link)
- 8/24/08: Traveling through the Omphalos - Goodbyes at the Great Wall of China (link)</span>
- 8/25/08: The Multiverse Olympiad - Lost Sport Championships, and my final blog post (link)
[edit] Diego
- Ayudanos
- Me llaman Diego.
- Desperte en un laberinto
- Igual que el resto.
- No sabemos quienes somos. Pero sabemos que tenemos una mision que cumplir.
- ¿Que nos sucedio? Todos tenemos el mismo tatuaje. ¿Que significa? Somos realmente atletas olimpicos?
- ¿Debemos encontrar el anillo perdido? Necesitamos tu ayuda.
[edit] Diego's Blog entries
- 2/14/08: 14 de Febrero – ¡Necesito saber quién soy! (link)
- 2/16/08: 16 de Febrero – Hola, me dicen Diego (link)
- 2/22/08: 22 de Febrero – Diego, malabarista callejero (link)
- 3/6/08: ¿Me conocen? (link) [video]
- 3/6/08: Mi tatuaje... ¡se buscan traductores! (link)
- 3/6/08: Venda (link)
- 3/6/08: Laberinto (link)
- 3/6/08: Ejercicios de agilidad (link) [video]
- 3/10/08: Video de Mónica (link) [video]
- 3/10/08: e-mail de Mónica (link)
- 3/16/08: Investigación geográfica (link)
- 3/19/08: De viaje, pero con internet (link)
- 3/22/08: Codex del Anillo Perdido: Capítulo 2 (link) - Chapter 2 of the Codex
- 3/22/08: Codex del Anillo Perdido: Capítulo 3 (link) - Chapter 3 of the Codex
- 3/22/08: Codex del Anillo Perdido: Capítulo 4 (link) - Chapter 4 of the Codex
- 3/22/08: Codex del Anillo Perdido: Capítulo 5 (link) - Chapter 5 of the Codex
- 3/22/08: El Codex y las 6 antiguas fortalezas (link) [video]
- 3/26/08: Codex del Anillo Perdido: Capítulo 6 (link) - Chapter 6 of the Codex
- 3/27/08: Codex del Anillo Perdido: ¡3 nuevos capítulos! (link) - Chapter 7, 8 and 11 of the Codex
- 3/30/08: Eli Hunt: El laberinto (link)
- 3/31/08: La misión (link) [video]
- 4/01/08: Codex del Anillo Perdido (link)
- 4/02/08: El viaje a Brasil (link)
- 4/03/08: Las Visiones (link)
- 4/04/08: 3 nuevos capítulos del Codex (link) - Chapter 9, 12 and 14 of the Codex
- 4/04/08: Geografía Paralela (link)
- 4/05/08: Lo que Mónica encontró en la casa de su tío abuelo // What Monica found in her grand-uncle's house (link)
- 4/10/08: Codex del Anillo Perdido: Capítulo 13 (link) - Chapter 13 of the Codex
- 4/14/08: Codex del Anillo Perdido: Nuevos capítulos (link) - Chapter 15 and 17 of the Codex
- 4/15/08: ¡mapamundi de actividades! // Map of world activities! (link)
- 4/16/08: 2 nuevos capítulos del Codex (y el de Hong Kong recuperado) // 2 new codex chapters (and Hong Kong recovered) (link) - Chapter 16, 19 and 20 of the Codex
- 4/16/08: Eli Hunt: Pangea y NeoPangea // Eli Hunt: Pangaea and Neo-Pangae (link)
- 4/17/08: ¿Eli Hunt en Buenos Aires? // Eli Hunt in Buenos Aires? (link)
- 4/19/08: ¿Quién es Theo? // Who is Theo? (link) [video]
- 4/20/08: Creo que Diego está equivocado // The true identity of Theo (link) [video]
- 4/21/08: Primer entrenamiento en laberinto en Buenos Aires // First training labyrinth in Buenos Aires(link) [video]
- 4/22/08: Sitio para teléfonos celulares // Site for cell phones(link)
- 4/23/08: El PanCosmologizador // The PanCosmologizer (link)
- 4/26/08: Codex del Anillo Perdido: Capítulos 21 y 22 // Codex of the lost ring: Chapter 21 and 22 (link) - chapter 21 and 22 of the Codex
- 5/5/08: 2 nuevos capítulos del Codex // 2 new codex chapters (link) - chapter 23 and 24 of the Codex
- 5/8/08: Memorias de mi otro yo // Memories of my other myself(link) [2 new videos]
- 5/12/08: Laberinto 10 de Mayo en el Planetario // 10th of May labyrinth at the planetarium (link) [video]
- 5/19/08: Kai y James // Kai and James(link)
- 5/20/08: Ariadne en crisis // Aiadne in crisis (link) [video]
- 5/25/08: La omphaputadora nos marca 2 nuevos artefactos // The Omphaputer gives us 2 new artifacts (link)
- 5/26/08: Laberintos citadinos: Tracksticks // Citylabyrinths: Tracksticks (link)
- 5/27/08: e-mail de Eli Hunt // email from Eli Hunt (link)
- 5/30/08: Sobre el mail de Eli Hunt // About the mail of Eli Hunt(link) [video]
- 6/03/08: Los Anillos Perdidos // The Lost Rings(link)
- 6/04/08: Capítulo 25 del Codex: LA PROMESA // Chapter 25 of the Codex: THE PROMISE (link) - chapter 25 of the Codex
- 6/05/98: Más sobre Laberintos Urbanos // More City Labyrinths (link)
- 6/07/08: Theo (link) [video]
- 6/14/08: Capitulo 26 del codex encontrado en India // Chapter 26 of the codex found in India (link) - chapter 26 of the Codex
- 6/14/08: Capítulo 27 encontrado en Río de Janeiro // Chapter 27 of the codex found in Rio de Janeiro (link) - chapter 27 of the Codex
- 6/20/08: Más laberintos urbanos // More city labyrinths (link)
- 6/21/08: La vuelta a casa // Returning Home (link) [video]
- 7/02/08: Larissa encontró a Kentaro // Larissa encountered Kentaro (link)
- 7/03/08: Necesitamos más laberintos urbanos // We need more city labyrinths (link)
- 7/07/08: ¡Laberintos, laberintos y laberintos por doquier! // Labyrinths, labyrinths and labyrinths everywhere (link)
- 7/13/08: Omphalaberinto en La Plata // La Plata Omphalabyrinth (link) [video]
- 7/19/08: correo de Edwin Moses // Mail from Edwin Moses (link)
- 7/21/08: Esperanto (link)
- 7/29/08: Sábado agonothetai // Saturday agonothetai (link) [video]
- 8/08/08: Juramento // Oath (link) [video]
- 8/15/08: A 1 día // In 1 day (link)
- 8/18/08: ¡En Beijing! // In Beijing (link)
- 8/20/08: El encuentro entre todos // The meeting between all (link)
- 8/20/08: Cerca de la competencia // Near the competition (link)
- 8/21/08: Edwin Moses (link)
- 8/22/08: Final Olímpica // Olympic final (link)
- 8/23/08: ¿Adios? // Farewell? (link) [video]
[edit] Larissa
- Vamos ajuda-los a encontrar o anel perdido.
- Eles nao sabem quem sao, nem o que aconteceu com eles. Mas eu tenho uma pista. Nao e a primeira vez que vejo alguem com essas tatuagens.
- Meu nome é Larissa. Quatro anos atrás, conheci uma garota como Ariadne. Ela acordou em um labirinto em GonÇalves e não sabia quem era. Ela morou com minha família por três meses. Tentamos ajudá-la. Mas ela desapareceu. Nunca mais a vimos.
[edit] Larissa's Blog entries
- 3/06/08 7:27am: Renata's Necklace (link)
- 3/06/08 7:30am: Ariadne eu posso te ajudar (link) [video]
- 3/07/08 10:17am: Isso é incrível!!!!! (updated 3/17) (link)
- 3/07/08 11:07am: A tatuagem de Renata (link)
- 3/09/08 10:54am: A conexão entre Renata e o jogo perdido? (link)
- 3/12/08 04:41am: A mensagem de Monica (updated 3/17) (link)
- 3/13/08 09:07am: A confissão de Eli (link) [video]
- 3/18/08 10:36am: A estória do "Omphalos Code" (link)
- 3/20/08 11:29am: O que tem acontecido até agora... (link)
- 3/22/08 12:22am: Façam o Teste de Personalidade! (link) [video]
- 3/23/08 4:14am: O Primeiro Capítulo do "Lost Ring Codex" (link) - Chapter 1 of the Codex
- 3/24/08 10:06am: Segundo Capítulo do "Lost Ring Codex" (link) - Chapter 2 (translation) of the Codex
- 3/24/08 10:40am: Os documentos achados em Austin, TX (link) - Chapter 2 of the Codex
- 3/25/08 09:43am: Os Mestres Secretos do Anel (link) - Chapter 3 of the Codex
- 3/26/08 08:59am: A viagem de Diego (link)
- 3/26/08 10:33am: Outra página do "Lost Ring Codex" achada em Shangai (link) - Chapter 4 of the Codex
- 3/27/08 10:38am: Alguém roubou o artefato do quarto da Ariadne! (link)
- 3/28/08 7:30am: Cap. 5 - Sidney - Preparando o Labirinto Humano (link) - Chapter 5 of the Codex
- 3/29/08 11:01am: Capítulo 6 - O Labirinto Humano (link) - Chapter 6 of the Codex
- 3/29/08 11:10am: Achado em Vancouver o Capítulo 7 (link) - Chapter 7 of the Codex
- 3/29/08 11:22am: Os labirintos podem nos conectar com outras dimensões!?! (link)
- 3/31/08 07:08am: O novo podcast de Eli Hunt sobre os labirintos (link) [video]
- 4/01/08 10:07am: O capítulo 10 foi encontrado em Buenos Aires. (link) - Chapter 10 of the Codex
- 4/04/08 10:13am: Páginas do Codex achadas em Seul, São Paulo, e São Francisco. (link) - Chapter 9,12 and 14 of the Codex
- 4/05/08 9:04am: Não sei o que pensar.... (link) - News from Theo and Renata
- 4/10/08 10:36am: Nova-Pangaea // New-Pangaea (link) - Chapter 13 of the Codex
- 4/11/08 8:47am: Capítulo 18 achado em Singapura! // Chapter 18 found in Singapore! (link) - Chapter 18 of the Codex
- 4/12/08 1:43: Eli Hunt fala sobre Pangéia // Eli Hunt talks about Pangaea (link)
- 4/15/08 8:48: A profecia // A prophecy (link) - Chapter 15 of the Codex
- 4/15/08 8:59: Os agonothetai recuperaram o artefato perdido! // The agonothetai recovered the lost artifact!(link)
- 4/15/08 9:15: Capítulo 17 - Preparando para as Olimpíadas! // Preparing for the Olympics! (link) - Chapter 17 of the Codex
- 4/18/08 8:15: Monitor de Atividades Mundial. // Monitor of World Acivities (link)
- 4/18/08 8:33: Vamos contactar o Eli Hunt! // Let's contact Eli Hunt! - message deleted by following post!
- 4/19/08 10:13: O capítulo 20 do Lost Ring Codex (link) - Chapter 20 of the Codex
- 4/19/08 10:49: Capítulo 19 vem de Paris! Merci! (link) - Chapter 19 of the Codex
- 4/19/08 7:20: A verdadeira identidade de Theo. (link) [video]
- 4/28/08 9:13: Como fazer um Omphalos // How to make a Omphalos (link) - Chapter 22 of the Codex
- 4/28/08 9:19: Resumo da nossa missão - cortesia de nosso amigo Bio // (link)
- 4/29/08 11:42: Meu Labirinto Pessoal // My personal Labyrinth(link) [video]
- 5/03/08 23:31: A lista das 10 coisas mais importantes que sabemos até agora. // The list of the 10 most important things we know so far. (link)
- 5/04/08 11:56: Visões Assustadoras // Frightening Visions (link) - Chapter 21 of the Codex
- 5/04/08 21:13: Os Labirintos Gigantes // Gigantic Labyrinths (link) - Chapter 23 of the Codex
- 5/04/08 21:33: Instruções do "Lost Ring" // Instructions for "Lost Ring" (link)
- 5/05/08 21:47: O labirinto da cidade de Philadelphia // The labyrinth of the city of Philadelphia (link)
- 5/06/08 16:12: A dança da Ariadne // The dance of Ariadne(link) - Chapter 24 of the Codex
- 5/07/08 15:29: Encarando o Desconhecido! // Facing the Stranger! (link)
- 5/14/08 08:07: Procurando Renata em Hollywood // Finding Renata in Hollywood (link) [video]
- 5/19/08 12:35: Labirinto Pessoal em Los Angeles // Personal Labyrinth in Los Angeles (link)
- 5/20/08 15:02: Ariadne, foi um acidente! // Ariadne, it was an accident! (link) [video]
- 5/21/08 9:29: Labirinto Pessoal no Griffith Park // Personal Labyrinth in the Griffith Park (link) [video]
- 5/25/08 11:46: Novos Artefatos Localizados. // New artifact locations. (link)
- 5/27/08 07:13: Missão Urgente: Os Labirintos-cidade // Urgent Mission: The city labyrinths (link)
- 5/29/08 22:52: Eli Hunt, Ariadne e o Anel Perdido // Eli Hunt, Ariadne and the Lost Ring (link)
- 5/29/08 22:55: Sobre o email do Eli // About the email of Eli (link) [video]
- 6/01/08 21:37: O novo podcast do Eli Hunt - The lost rings // A new podcast from Eli Hunt - The Lost Rings (link)
- 6/02/08 08:21: O capítulo 25 do codex - A Promessa. // Chapter 25 of the Codex - The Promise. (link) - Chapter 25 of the Codex
- 6/02/08 09:15: Nós todos podemos fazer labirintos-cidade // We all can do City-Labyrinths (link)
- 6/07/08 22:37: O sequestro de James // The kidnapping of James (link) [video]
- 6/12/08 10:07: "A Busca" - é o capítulo 26 do Codex. // "The Search" - is the chapter 26 of the Codex. (link) - Chapter 26 of the Codex
- 6/17/08 8:26: Sabemos como encontrar o anel perdido. // "We know how to find the lost ring. (link) - Chapter 27 of the Codex
- 6/20/08 17:15: Markus é um impostor!? // Markus is an impostor? (link)
- 6/24/08 10:33: A mensagem de Renata // The message from Renata (link) [video]
- 6/30/08 07:10: Encontrei Kentaro ! // Encounter Kentaro ! (link) [video]
- 7/01/08 23:20: Quem é o aliado misterioso? Campeão Olímpico? // Who is the mysterius ally? A olympic champion? (link)
- 7/04/08 21:56: Omphstrength, URGENTE! // Omphstrenght, URGENT! (link)
- 7/12/08 09:15: Vejam os labirintos de Londres e Vienna! // Look at the labyrinths of London and Vienna! (link)
- 7/20/08 20:51: Kentaro, Markus - em quem confiar? // Kentaro, Markus - who can we trust? (link) [video]
- 7/25/08 13:14: Parabéns para o time Agonothetai de Salvador! // Congratulations to the team Agonothetai of Salvador! (link) [videos]
- 7/29/08 11:09: Renata e o último anel // Renata and the Lost Rings (link)
- 8/01/08 21:54: Os mistérios do mecanismo de ANTIKYTHERA // The mysteries of the ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM (link)
- 8/08/08 18:53: O juramento agonothetai // The Agonethetai oath (link) [video]
- 8/16/08 21.13: China ai vou eu! // China, I'm going(link) [video]
- 8/19/08 21:53: A viagem para Pequim! // The trip to Beijing! (link)
- 8/21/08 00:40: Como ajudar Renata! // Helping Renata (link) [video]
- 8/21/08 03:59: Esclarecemos o mal entendido // Exclaiming he misunderstanding (link) [video]
- 8/22/08 19:44: A mensagem de Edwin Moses para o time Salvador! // The message from Edwin Moses to team Salvador (link)
- 8/23/08 00:07: Nosso plano funcionou! // Our plan worked! (link) [video]
- 8/24/08 21:41: Obrigado a todos os aliados // Thanks to all the allies! (link) [video]
[edit] Lucie
- Ils m'ont trouve dans un labyrinthe. Je ne me souvenais de rien, pas meme de mon propre nom.
- Alors ils m'ont appele Lucie.
- Ily en a d'autres comme moi, mais personne ne sait ce qu'il nous est arrive. Ensembles,m on doit trouver l'anneau perdu. Et nous avons besoin de votre aide.
[edit] Lucie's Blog entries
- 3/05/08: lucie à paris (link)
- 3/05/08: Trovu la ringon perditan (link)
- 3/05/08: dans le noir... (link)
- 3/05/08: le labyrinthe et l'église (link)
- 3/06/08: Bonjour tout le monde... on m'appelle Lucie... (link) [video]
- 3/10/08: Chariton696!?!? (link) [video]
- 3/11/08: tant de mystrères... (link)
- 3/12/08: le site secret de eli hunt (link) [video]
- 3/18/08: Lost Ring Codex (link) - Chapter 1 of the Codex
- 3/22/08: chapitre 2 : trouvé à Austin (TX/USA) (link) - Chapter 2 of the Codex
- 3/22/08: lost ring codex_ ch.3 : Stockholm (link) - Chapter 3 of the Codex
- 3/22/08: chapter 4 : found in Shanghai (link) - Chapter 4 of the Codex
- 3/22/08: encore une page du codex (sydney-#5!!!) (link) - Chapter 5 of the Codex
- 3/22/08: le lost ring codex et les forces anciennes (link) [video]
- 3/27/08: Le Codex de Bruxelles! (link) - Chapter 6 of the Codex
- 3/30/08: chapitre 7, trouvé à Vancouver (link) - Chapter 7 of the Codex
- 3/30/08: Codex chapitre 8 : Tokyo!! (link) - Chapter 8 of the Codex
- 3/30/08: chapitre 11 : Johannesburg (link) - Chapter 11 of the Codex
- 3/31/08: Un rêve étrange!! besoin de vous! (link)
- 4/05/08: le chapitre 9 du codex retrouvé à Seoul // Chapter 9 of the codex found in Seoul (link) - Chapter 9 of the Codex
- 4/05/08: chapitre 12 : Tut-Kosmologio (link) - Chapter 12 of the Codex
- 4/05/08: chapitre 14 du lost ring codex, Sao Paolo (link) - Chapter 14 of the Codex
- 4/06/08: l'anneau perdu, un mois et ensembles et déjà tellement de choses... // the lost ring, a month and already many things happened... (link) [video]
- 4/10/08: Le danger de Neopangaea! // The danger of Neopangaea! (link) - Chapter 13 of the Codex
- 4/15/08: chapitre 15 (toronto): "La Prophécie" (link) - Chapter 15 of the Codex
- 4/15/08: Comment organiser des jeux olympiques "multi-vers"?! // How do we organize the "multiverse olympics"? (link) - Chapter 17 of the Codex
- 4/15/08: hongkong codex retrouvé et détruit! // Hong Kong codex found and destroyed!(link)
- 4/15/08: La théorie de synchronisation olympique // The theory of olympic synchronization (link) - Chapter 16 of the Codex
- 4/15/08: Des nouvelles de Eli Hunt // News from Eli Hunt (link)
- 4/17/08: Une Chariton en Israel! // A Charition on Isreal (link)
- 4/18/08: le chapitre 19 du codex : les "moi" et les labyrinthes parallèles // Chapter 19: The "myselves" and the parallel labyrinths (link) - Chapter 19 of the Codex
- 4/18/08: Sauvons les mondes, synchronisons-nous! // Let's save the worlds, let's synchronize! (link)
- 4/16(?)/08: Le secret des Omphaloi // The secret of the Omphaloi (link) - Chapter 20 of the Codex
- 4/25/08: Présentation du PanCosmologizer // Presentation of the PanCosmologizer (link)
- 4/25/08: Chapitre 22 : comment fabriquer un Omphaloi // Instruction how to build an Omphaloi(link) - Chapter 22 of the Codex
- 4/25/08: des visions pas très rassurantes... // Visions that aren't reassuring... (link) - Chapter 21 of the Codex
- 5/04/08: le chemin du retour... un labyrinthe géant? // the way back ... a giant labyrinth? (link) - Chapter 23 of the Codex
- 5/04/08: Le labyrinthe dans la ville, un indice des 6 premiers voyageurs...? // The labyrinth in the city, an index of the first 6 travellers...? (link)
- 5/05/08: La danse d'ariadne...? // The Ariadne Dance? (link) - Chapter 24 of the Codex
- 5/07/08: mes suspicions... qui est Theo...? // My suspicion... Who is Theo... (link) [video]
- 5/21/08: les dix éléments principaux du Lost Ring Codex // the ten main elements of the Lost Ring Codex (link)
- 5/26/08: mon périple // my journey (link)
- 5/28/08: Chapitres du Codex à Lausanne et Bengaluru ! // Codex chapters in Lausanne and Bagaluru (link)
- 5/29/08: des trackstick pour les labyrinthes géants !! // The trackstick for the giant labyrinths (link)
- 6/01/08: Des nouvelles d'Eli Hunt // News from Eli Hunt (link) [video]
- 6/02/08: La Promese // The Promise (link) - Chapter 25 of the Codex
- 6/02/08: Le dernier podcast de Eli Hunt, Les anneaux perdus // The latest podcast of Eli Hunt, The Lost Rings (link)
- 6/07/08: De retour à paris ! un labyrinthe pour se remettre en forme !! // Returning to Paris! A labyrinth to get back in shape!! (link)
- 6/15/08: chapitre 26 : la quête! // Chapter 26: The Search (link) - Chapter 26 of the Codex
- 6/15/08: chapitre 27 : Le sixième anneau // Chapter 27: The Sixth Ring (link) - Chapter 27 of the Codex
- 7/04/08: omphforce, on doit absolument continuer les labyrinthes urbains ! // Omphstrength, we must continue the city labyrinths (link) [video]
- 7/08/08: Le nouveau? l'ancien... le traître...?!? // The new? The former ... the traitor ...?!? (link)
- 7/10/08: Kentaro (link) - updated 7/17/08
- 7/17/08: le labyrinthe de Paris, succès total !! // the labyrinth of Paris, a total sucess (link)
- 8/03/08: Les 5 anneaux enfin retrouvés ! et interceptés !! // The 5 rings finally found! and intercepted! (link)
- 8/16/08: waouuuu... pekin pekin pekin ! // waouuuu ... BEIJING BEIJING BEIJING! (link) [video]
- 8/17/08: depart ! // go! (link) [video]
- 8/17/08: A Heathrow... !! // At Heathrow... !! (link) [video]
- 8/18/08: et dans l'avion // and in the air (link) [video]
- 8/19/08: nos retrouvailles... // our reunion... (link)
- 8/21/08: la danse d'ariadne ! // Ariadne's Dance (link)
- 8/22/08: Edwin Moses, notre coach en or massif !! // Edwin Moses, our coach in gold! (link)
- 8/22/08: Dernier petit mot avant le grand départ !! // Last word before the big departure! (link) [video]
[edit] Markus
- wir haben eine wichtige mission.
- und wir brauchen ihre hilfe, um herauszufinden, was sie ist.
- sie nennen mich markus
- das ist nicht mein richtiger name. aber keiner weiß, wer ich bin. was ist mit uns geschehen? was bedeuten unsere merkwürdigen tätowierungen? und warum müssen wir den verlorenen Ring finden?
[edit] Markus' Blog entries
- 3/7/08 9:45: Ein ungewöhnliches Erlebnis (link)
- 3/7/08 9:44: Ich habe Angst (link) [video]
- 3/7/08 9:44: Mein Tagebuch (link) (updated 3/31/08)
- 3/7/08 9:43: Wie ich erwachte (link)
- 3/7/08 9:42: Das Labyrinth (link)
- 3/7/08 9:41: Bitte schauen Sie dieses Video an (link) [video]
- 3/7/08 4:57: Meine Tätowierung (link)
- 3/13/08 11:39: Eli Hunt's Geheime Webseite (link) [video]
- 3/21/08 4:35: Der Codex: Kapitel 1 (link) - Chapter 1 of the Codex
- 3/21/08 4:42: Der Codex: Kapitel 2 (link) - Chapter 2 of the Codex
- 3/21/08 4:47: Der Codex: Kapitel 3 (link) - Chapter 3 of the Codex
- 3/25/08 5:59: Was Momentan Los Ist (link)[video]: short summary about the story so far and the Personality Test
- 3/25/08 8:19: Der Codex: Kapitel 4 (link) - Chapter 4 of the Codex
- 3/25/08 8:25: Der Codex: Kapitel 5 (link) - Chapter 5 of the Codex
- 4/1/08 02:53: Wir Müssen Lernen // We have to learn (link) [video]
- 4/3/08 06:08: Der Codex: Kapitel 6 (link) - Chapter 6 of the Codex
- 4/3/08 07:27: Die Anderen Kapitel (link)
- 4/4/08 06:14: Der Codex: Kapitel 7 (link) - Chapter 7 of the Codex
- 4/4/08 06:22: Der Codex: Kapitel 8 (link) - Chapter 8 of the Codex
- 4/4/08 06:32: Der Codex: Kapitel 9 (link) - Chapter 9 of the Codex
- 4/4/08 06:37: Der Codex: Kapitel 10 (link) - Chapter 10 of the Codex
- 4/4/08 06:58: Der Codex: Kapitel 11 (link) - Chapter 11 of the Codex
- 4/4/08 07:16: Der Codex: Kapitel 12 (link) - Chapter 12 of the Codex
- 4/4/08 07:32: Der Codex: Wie Man Das Labyrinth Bildet // How to build the labyrinth (link)
- 4/6/08 11:34: Haben Wir Vielleicht Etwas Wichtiges Verpasst?! // Have we perhaps missed something important?! (link)
- 4/6/08 12:09: Der Codex: Kapitel 13 (link) - Chapter 13 of the Codex
- 4/6/08 12:05: Der Codex: Kapitel 14 (link) - Chapter 14 of the Codex
- 4/11/08 09:04: Der Codex: Kapitel 12 (link) - Again chapter 12 (probably an error)
- 4/11/08 11:20: Der Codex: Kapitel 18 (link) - Chapter 18 of the Codex (updated)
- 4/13/08 02:50: Ich Verschwinde Eine Weile // I will vanish for some time (link)
- 4/16/08 09:07: Meine Reise // My journey (link)
- 4/18/08 06:02: Der Codex: Kapitel 19 (link) - Chapter 19 of the Codex
- 4/28/08 12:21: Der Codex: Kapitel 21 (link) - Chapter 21 of the Codex
- 4/28/08 08:33: Cool! Mobile Seite // Cool! Mobile Site (link)
- 5/6/08 17:05: Markus ist jetzt auf unserer Seite! // Markus is now on our side! (link)
- 5/14/08 15:30: Ich Bin Entkommen! // I escaped! (link)
- 5/28/08 12:16: Mich gibts noch! // I'm still here (link) [video]
- 6/16/08 8:12: Ich Bin Mit Theo // I am with Theo (link) [video]
- 6/16/08 8:19: Wir Wissen Wie Wir Den Sechsten Ring Finden Können! // We know how to find the sixth ring! (link) - Chapter 27 of the Codex
- 6/20/08 07:37: Bitte Glaubt Mir // Please believe me. (link)
- 6/20/08 15.38: Desynchronisierung // Desynchronisation. (link) [video]
- 6/25/08 06:08: Email von James // Email from James. (link)
- 7/02/08 03:28: Omphstärke // Omphstrength (link)
- 7/20/08 7:40: Eine Erklärung // An explanation (link)
- 8/15/08 1:49: Eid Der Agonothetai // Agonethetai oath (link) [video]
- 8/17/08 21:58: Ich Habe Lucie Im Flugzeug Getroffen! // I've met Lucie on the plane! (link)
- 8/19/08 21:28: Wow! Wir sind alle hier! // Wow! We are all here! (link)
- 8/20/08 20:53: Labyrinth Training (link)
- 8/22/08 19:29: Edwin Moses (link)
[edit] MeiHui
- (see image for mandarin header text)
[edit] MeiHui's Blog entries
- 3/05/08: 非常奇怪的纹身记号. (link)
- 3/05/08: why? (link)
- 3/05/08: Trovu La Ringon Perditan (link) [video]
- 3/05/08: 我的故事 my story... (link)
- 3/05/08: 天大的好消息!!! Big News!!!! (link) [video]
- 3/11/08: About Monica (link)
- 3/12/08: a secret site? 祕密网站? (link) [video]
- 3/19/08: 给第一次拜访我的网站的新朋友。。。is this your first time here? (link)
- 3/21/08: 你的古传天赋是什么? Discover your Ancient Strength! (link) [video]
- 3/23/08: 遗失圆环经典第一章 (Chapter 1) (link) - Chapter 1 of the Codex
- 3/23/08: 遗失圆环经典第二章 (Chapter 2) (link) - Chapter 2 of the Codex
- 3/23/08: 遗失圆环经典第一章 (Chapter 3) (link) - Chapter 3 of the Codex
- 3/23/08: 遗失圆环经典第一章 (Chapter 4) (link) - Chapter 4 of the Codex
- 3/23/08: 遗失圆环经典第一章 (Chapter 5) (link) - Chapter 5 of the Codex
- 3/25/08: 遗失圆环经典第一章 (Chapter 6) (link) - Chapter 6 of the Codex
- 3/29/08: 又有部份的遗失圆环经典被找到了!!!三章喔!!! (link) - Chapter 7, 8 and 11 of the Codex
- 3/30/08: 迷宫的底细! (link)
- 3/30/08: 全新的我?The whole new me? (link) [video]
- 3/31/08: 我们布宜诺斯艾利斯找到新的文件囉!(欢迎你加入我们的行列!) (link)
- 4/06/08: 我们在汉城,旧金山,及圣保罗找到三章经典囉! // We're in Seoul, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, and found three more chapters!(link) - Chapter 9,12 and 14
- 4/09/08: The Danger of Neopangaea! (第十三章) // The Danger of Neopangae! (Chapter XIII) (link) - Capter 13
- 4/12/08: 运动员的誓言? // Athlete's oath? (link) - Capter 18
- 4/14/08: 我们找到"预言"! // We found a "prophecy"! (link) - Chapter 15
- 4/15/08: 全新的"全球活动显示器"! // New "world activities display" (link)
- 4/15/08: 纽约的遗失圆环经典! // New York Ancient Lost Ring! (link) - chapter 17
- 4/15/08: 奥姆法洛斯的祕密! // Secrets of the Omphaloi! (link) - chapter 20
- 4/15/08: 平行自我?个人迷宫? // Parallel Self? Personal maze? (link) - chapter 19 (updated?)
- 4/16/08: Eli最新的Podcast - 遗失的泛大陆理论 // Eli's latest podcast - The Lost Theory of Pangaea (link)
- 4/18/08: Theo是谁? Who Is Theo? // Who is Theo? Who is Theo?(link) [video] (updated 4/20/08 ??)
- 4/21/08: 泛宇宙论的详图 // PanCosmologizer (link)
- 4/22/08: 上您的手机找圆环喔! // Find the ring on your phone! (link)
- 4/23/08: 我的下一步... // My next step... (link)
- 4/24/08: My 1st English Post ^o^ (link)
- 4/24/08: 如何製造澳姆法洛斯? // How to make an omphalos? (link) - chapter 22
- 4/28/08: 第十六章慢了半拍 // (link) - chapter 16
- 4/28/08: 潜在的危险性 // (link) - chapter 21
- 4/30/08: 也许我们找到回家的路了? // Perhaps we find a way to return home (link) - chapter 23
- 4/30/08: 城市迷宮? // City labyrinth? (link)
- 5/01/08: 个人迷宫让我整夜没办法入眠 // // My personal labyrinth won't let me sleep at night (link) [video]
- 5/03/08: My Parallel Self (link) [video]
- 5/04/08: Ariadne's dance? (link) - chapter 24
- 5/05/08: Hello New York!! (link)
- 5/08/08: 平安到达!I am safe (link)
- 5/12/08: 1st Training in NYC (link)
- 5/21/08: To Ariadne (link) [video]
- 5/25/08: Clues... (link)
- 5/27/08: 紧急任务:有谁想要Trackstick? // Urgent Task: Who wants a Trackstick? (link)
- 5/28/08: An Email from Eli~ (link)
- 5/29/08: Help needed!!! (link)
- 5/30/08: About Eli's email... (link) [video]
- 6/04/08: The Promise (link) - chapter 25
- 6/05/08: 失落的五环的传奇故事 // The legend of the Lost Rings (link)
- 6/05/08: Anothe Idea for NYC City labyrinth (link)
- 6/06/08: 大家来计画城市迷宫!! // We plan city labyrinths (link)
- 6/09/08: Training Photos! (link)
- 6/17/08: Chapter 26th.. (The search) (link) - chapter 26
- 6/17/08: 寻找第六个圆环! // Find the sixth ring! (link) - chapter 27
- 6/23/08: 谁可以回家? // Who can go home?(link) [video]
- 6/25/08: 大家加油喔!! // ?? (link)
- 6/30/08: 好像有新的盟友会来加入我们的行列... // ?? (link)
- 7/01/08: 大家目前的成绩... // ?? (link)
- 7/02/08: What's going on?? (link) [video]
- 7/08/08: 久违了,中国的朋友们~ // ??The long-hoped that China's friends ~?? (link)
- 7/13/08: 上海训练营创新纪录!!New World Record set in ShangHai, China!! (link)
- 7/14/08: 真是抱歉,上海的朋友们... // Really sorry, Shanghai's friends ... (link)
- 7/21/08: Training in Boston!!! (link)
- 7/31/08: 终于被我们找到了! // Finally we found! (link)
- 8/08/08: 誓言. The Pledge. (link) [video]
- 8/17/08: 我要上路囉!! // ?? (link) [video]
- 8/21/08: Strange!! 奇怪的仪式。。。 // Strange!! Strange ceremony. . . (link) [video]
- 8/22/08: An email from Thermantia... (link)
- 8/22/08: Edwin Moses (link)
- 8/23/08: goodbye (link) [video]
[edit] Monica
- estamos buscando el anillo perdido (we're looking for the lost ring)
- necesitamos tu ayuda (we need your help)
- Links to, Meneame, Enchilame
[edit] Monica's Blog entries
- up to 4/27/08: Monica's blog is a mirror of Diego's
- 04/27/08: MI NUEVO BLOG // my new blog (link)
- 05/13/08: NUEVOS DESCUBRIMIENTOS // New Discoveries(link)
- 05/21/08: Ariadne, no abandones // Ariadne, do not abandon (link) [video]
- 05/25/08: ¿Alguien conoce a alguien en estos lugares? // (link)
- 05/28/08: Nueva Misión: Laberintos del tamaño de una ciudad // New mission: City/siyed labzrinths (link)
- 06/02/08: ¡Me han robado! // I've been robbed (link)
- 06/05/08: Nuevo Podcast de Eli Hunt: Los Anillos Perdidos // New podcast from Eli Hunt: The Lost Rings (link)
- 06/05/08: Capítulo 25 del Codex del Anillo Perdido: La Promesa // Chapter 25 of the Codex of the Lost Ring: The Promise (link)
- 06/13/08: Nuevas misiones, Theo y el Couberteam // New missions, Theo and the Couberteam (link)
- 6/18/08: Capítulo 26 del Codex encontrado en Bangalore (India) // Chapter 26 Codex found in Bangalore (India) (link)
- 6/18/08: Capítulo 27 del Codex encontrado en Río de Janeiro (Brasil) // Chapter 27 Codex found in Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) (link)
- 6/22/08: Necesitan vuestra ayuda para enviarles a casa // They need your help to send them home (link) [video]
- 6/29/08: ¡Más ciudades en las que hacer laberintos! // More cities in which to do labyrinths (link)
- 7/03/08: Un nuevo aliado // A new ally (link)
- 7/21/08: Reflexiones sobre Kentaro y Markus // Reflections on Kentaro and Markus (link)
- 8/02/08: Laberinto urbano de Madrid: ¡completado! // Madrid city labyrinth: Completed! (link)
- 8/08/08: ¡Hagamos el juramento de los agonothetai en la ceremonia de apertura de los juegos olímpicos! // We do the oath of the agonothetai in the opening ceremony of the Olympic games! (link)
- 8/08/08: Juramento secreto de los agonothetai // The secret oath of the agonothetai (link) [video]
- 8/16/08: Preparando el viaje a Beijing // Preparing the trip to Beijing (link) [video]
- 8/18/08: Un largo viaje // A long journey (link)
- 8/19/08: Al fin todos juntos // At last all together (link)
- 8/21/08: ¿Como podemos ayudar a Renata? // How can we help Renata? (link) [video]
- 8/22/08: Edwin Moses es nuestro entrenador // Edwin Moses is our coach (link)
[edit] Noriko
- (see image for japanese header text)
[edit] Noriko's Blog entries
- 3/03/08: 私に何が起こったか。A Long Story 1 (link)
- 3/03/08: 私に何が起こったか。A Long Story 2 (link)
- 3/05/08: お力を貸して頂けませんか (link) [video]
- 3/05/08: おかしな刺青 (link)
- 3/05/08: Blindfold 目隠し (link)
- 3/05/08: 迷宮ラビリンス (link)
- 3/05/08: ひとりぼっちじゃなかった。I wasn't alone (link) [video]
- 3/12/08: モニカさんの大叔父さんのお話は手がかり?(Monica's Story) (link)
- 3/13/08: 歴史学者のハントさんと、秘密のサイト (link) [video]
- 3/19/08: 今までのあらすじ (Summary) (link) (updated 3/21/08 ?)
- 3/19/08: 第一章 (Chapter1) (link) - Chapter 1 of the Codex
- 3/21/08: 第2章(Chapter 2) (link) - Chapter 2 of the Codex
- 3/21/08: 第三章(Chapter 3) (link) - Chapter 3 of the Codex
- 3/22/08: 古代の強さ(Strength)を、あなたの中に見出すテスト! (link) [video]
- 3/22/08: 第四章(Chapter 4) (link) - Chapter 4 of the Codex
- 3/23/08: 第五章 (Chapter 5) (link) - Chapter 5 of the Codex
- 3/24/08: イーライさんが見つけた不思議な走り書き (Mysterious scribbling found by Eli) (link)
- 3/25/08: アリアドネのところに泥棒が。。。 (Ariadne was robbed...) (link)
- 3/26/08: ブリュッセルの史書が見つかった! (link)
- 3/27/08: 第七章 (Chapter 7) (link)
- 3/28/08: 東京で見つかった第八章(Chapter8) (link)
- 3/28/08: 第十一章 (Chapter 11) (link)
- 3/30/08: イーライ ハント氏のポッドキャスト5 (link)
- 4/01/08: 最初のビデオから約1ヶ月。。。ですね。 (link) [video]
- 4/01/08: 約1ヵ月。。。パート2 (link) [video]
- 4/02/08: 第十章 (Chapter10) (link)
- 4/04/08: 第九章、第十二章、第十四章 (Chapter 9,12,14) (link)
- 4/05/08: 今週一口メモ☆ // this week's video blog (link) [video]
- 4/07/08: 第十三章 (Chapter13) (link)
- 4/08/08: ハント氏のポッドキャスト 6 // Mr. Hunt podcasts 6 (link)
- 4/09/08: カイさんとサンフランシスコで☆ // Kai and San Francisco (link) [video]
- 4/11/08: 第18章 (Chapter 18) (link)
- 4/14/08: 第一五章 (Chapter 15) (link)
- 4/14/08: 第十七章 (Chapter 17) (link)
- 4/14/08: 第十六章 (Chapter 16) (link)
- 4/14/08: ハント氏からのEメール // Email from Mr. Hunt (link)
- 4/15/08: 世界のアクティビティのモニターを活用しましょう! // Use the world activity monitor! (link)
- 4/16/08: 第二十章 (Chapter 20) (link)
- 4/16/08: 第十九章 (Chapter 19) (link)
- 4/20/08: 6という数であっているのかな?Is six the number? (link) [video]
- 4/21/08: カリフォルニアに来た理由 // Why I went to California (link)
- 4/23/08: 携帯からのアクセス // Access from mobile (link)
- 4/23/08: カイさんが作った、PanCosmologizer // Kai has made a PanCosmologizer (link)
- 4/23/08: 第二十二章 (Chapter 22) // (link)
- 4/26/08: 第二十一章 (Chapter 21) (link)
- 4/29/08: 第二十三章 (Chapter 23) (link)
- 5/01/08: 街のラビリンス (最初の6人の残した手掛かり?) // The city's Labyrinth (a clue the first six left behind?) (link)
- 5/05/08: 第二十四章 (Chapter 24) (link)
- 5/08/08: 思い出した事 What I remember (link) [video]
- 5/12/08: エスペラント語に挑戦! // Esperanto challenge! (link) [video]
- 5/16/08: 他の世界を崩壊させてしまった?! // Did it cause to collapses other world?! (link)
- 5/21/08: アリアドネと私達の混乱 // Our confusion with Ariadne (link) [video]
- 5/25/08: 次のアーティファクトの隠し場所 // ?? (link)
- 5/26/08: カイさんからの緊急ミッション:トラックスティックを使いませんか? // ?? (link)
- 5/27/08: Trackstick (link) [video]
- 5/27/08: イーライ ハント氏からのメール // Email from Eli Hunt (link)
- 5/29/08: ロストリングとは? // Lost Ring? (link) [video]
- 5/31/08: 1920年のロストリング? // 1920, Lost the Ring? (link)
- 5/31/08: 第二十五章 (Chapter25) (link)
- 6/02/08: テオのミッション // Theo Mission (link) [video]
- 6/06/08: 失われた競技の行われ方 // ?? (link)
- 6/11/08: テオ達の目的は?ジェームズとは協力? // ?? (link) [video]
- 6/11/08: 第二十六章 (Chapter 26) (link)
- 6/16/08: 第二十七章 (Chapter 27) (link)
- 6/20/08: やっぱりマーカスは、、、 // I knew Marcus,,, (link)
- 6/20/08: オンフストレングス // ?? (link) [video]
- 6/24/08: ロストスポーツ、チーム東京! // Lost sport teams in Tokyo!(link)
- 6/27/08: 謎のメッセージ、、、新しい仲間でしょうか? // Mysterious message, a new companion?(link)
- 6/30/08: ケンタロウが見つかった! // ?? (link) [video]
- 7/09/08: マルチバースオリンピアドの出場チーム // ?? (link)
- 7/15/08: 街サイズラビリンス // City labyrinth (link)
- 7/16/08: 戦略を取り入れて、オリンピックに備えましょう! // Adopted a strategy,... (link) [video]
- 7/18/08: けんたろうとマーカス // Markus and Kentaro (link)
- 7/19/08: ロストスポーツの名誉コーチ、エドウィン モーゼズ氏 // Honor Coach for the Lost Sport: Edwin Moses (link)
- 7/25/08: 街サイズラビリンス // City sized labyrinth (link)
- 7/25/08: オリンピックのチームについて、、、 // Olympic team... (link)
- 7/29/08: ロストリング、5つ全てゲット! // All five Lost Rings (link)
- 8/02/08: アンティキスラ メカニズム // ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM (link)
- 8/02/08: 東京街サイズラビリンス! // Tokyo city labyrinth (link)
- 8/02/08: チーム東京、世界記録達成! A world record, 9.59! // Team Tokyo achieved a world record! (link)
- 8/03/08: オリンピック出場チームの選手表 // Olympic Games team table (link)
- 8/05/08: 11人未満でもOK! // It is O.K. even below 11 people! (link)
- 8/05/08: 開会式に合わせて // To match the opening ceremony (link)
- 8/08/08: アゴノテタイ宣誓☆ // Agonethetai oath (link) [video]
- 8/11/08: けんたろう // Kentaro (link) [video]
- 8/13/08: 6つめのリング // The 6th ring (link)
- 8/15/08: 北京へ向けて出発! // Leaving for Beijing (link) [video]
- 8/19/08: やっと皆と会えました☆ // ?? (link)
- 8/21/08: 北京での近況報告☆ // Recent situation report from Beijing (link)
- 8/21/08: 私達の名誉コーチからのメッセージです! // The message from our honor coach! (link)
- 8/21/08: チーム東京へモーゼズ氏からのメッセージ(^_^) // The message from Mr. Moses to Team Tokyo (link)
- 8/22/08: Team Tokyo Roster! チーム東京選手表 (link)
- 8/22/08: アスレチックファイナル! // Athletics Final! (link)
- 8/23/08: 皆さんありがとうございました。 // Thank you everyone. (link) [video]
- 8/23/08: ビデオのアップデートです☆ // video updates (link)
- 8/23/08: モーゼズ氏との、コーチングセッション // Mr. Moses Coaching Session (link)