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[edit] Person's Blog
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[edit] Email von James // Email from James (link)
[edit] June 25/06:08pm
- Quote...
- James hat endlich genügend Theo Mitglieder gefunden! James wurde Gefördert und kann jetzt die Mailbox abrufen, die benutzt wird damit die Mitglieder Theo's ihm sagen können was momentan mit ihnen geschieht.
- Ich bin ziemlich aufgeregt - Ich will herausfinden was in der Mailbox steckt.
(translation by Canzonett)
- translation
- James finally has found enough Theo members! James has been promoted (literally: supported) and can now access the mailbox used by the members of Theo to report what is happening to them right now.
- I am quite excited - I want to find out what's inside that mailbox.
Tags: james_mutters email mailbox theo
[edit] Notes
- Again, minor wobbles in Markus's use of the German language. Instead of writing that James has been promoted (in German: "befördert") he actually writes about someone supporting him ("gefördert"). Moreover, you don't use an apostrophe to mark a genitive in German ("Theo's" instead of "Theos").
Categories: Interaction | Translation | German | Blog | Blog/Person