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[edit] Ariadne's Blog
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[edit] Traveling through the Omphalos - Goodbyes at the Great Wall of China (link)
[edit] August 24, 8.28pm
- We said goodbye one more time. And then the allies went home.
- It happened almost exactly as Eli Hunt described. We were lucky Kai was able to be at the closing ceremonies. As soon as the crowd started the official Beijing cheer, he called me, and I was able to get the travelers in sync. By the time the whole stadium was doing the cheer, I had blacked out, and the travelers were gone.
- Before we let them go, it was pretty emotional at the Great Wall. Here are some of our goodbyes to each other. You can see in the second one that James got a tattoo to help him travel -- Trovu Toria. I hope he finds her.
- Is this the last we'll ever see of Markus, Lucie, Noriko, MeiHui, Diego, and James? Will they figure out how to return here again?
- Will any allies come back in 2012?
- I hope so. I really, really do. It was the last thing we talked about before they left. That we would try to see each other again for the next summer Olympics. We made that promise to each other. The idea of never seeing each other again is inconceivable after the week we spent together here in Beijing, and the months we've spent with all of you online and at lost sport training events.
- Can we make it happen? I don't know yet. But if we can, then the lost sport will be back for London and we'll all see you again for the next great multiverse synchronisation. That's a promise.
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