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[edit] Noriko's Blog
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[edit] オンフストレングス // ?? (link)
[edit] June 20
- Quote...
- もし、100%にもっていけなかったら、誰か残らないといけないですよね。どうやって決めるのでしょうか。
- (also available on dotsub)
- そんな事心配しなくて良いに、越したことはないんですが、、 もし100%に届かなければ、やはりマーカスに残ってもらう?もし100%行っても、マーカスの代わりにジェームズ?どうしたら良いんでしょうね。
(translation by unagi)
(blog translation)(video transcription: see dotSUB)
- Omphstrength
- If we cannot reach 100% omphstrength, somebody have to stay in this world. How will we decide it?
- It couldn't be better than a situation we don't have to worry about such a thing, but ... If we cannot reach 100%, should Markus stay? Will James go instead of Markus even if we reach 100%? I wonder what to do.
(video translation)
- We have to make the omphstrength as strong as 100% in order to let the six make a multiverse travel, but
- so far it's around 72%, which would be calculated as a power which can let only four go home.
- So, if we don't reach 100%, I'm afraid somebody has to stay here, and
- how to decide it will be a problem.
- Personally, well, I think it would be appropriate to let Markus stay here.
- (She uses fairly euphemistic expression here)
- Whether Markus is really an ally or not is uncertain now considering Ariadne's post.
- But I think it is ideal that the omphstrength will reache 100%, so
- I hope Agonothetai in Japan will strive and that a city-sized labyrinth will be built in Tokyo.
Tags: オンフストレングス
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