From LostRing
[edit] Ariadne's Blog
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[edit] The Lost Sport Report! NEW WORLDS RECORD! (link)
[edit] July 22, 12:47pm
- Team Wellington, New Zealand is KILLING the other worlds. Watch this video of their 7-circuit record and tell me that our world isn't winning GOLD at the Multiverse Olympics!! 59.15 seconds!! That's crazy. Are any of the members of Team Wellington actually agonothetia from 2004 or 2000 or something?? Have you checked their arms for Esperanto tattoos?
- Here's a fun video of a Boston Lost Sport training event from this past weekend. It's the POV of the blindfolded runner. Makes me a little dizzy...!!
- Here are the current best times reported on the omphaputer. We're GAEA, and we're WINNING! NONE of the other teams in this world OR any other worlds are under a minute. (The closets according to the omphaputer is Pangaea at 1:17:42).
- Gaea | 3 Circuit: 12.06 | 7 Circuit: 59.15
- Pangea | 3 Circuit: 12.84 | 7 Circuit: 1:17.42
- Gondwana | 3 Circuit: 13.62 | 7 Circuit: 1:21:44
- Kenorland | 3 Circuit: 13.19 | 7 Circuit: 1:29.89
- Numa | 3 Circuit: 14.09 | 7 Circuit: 1:32.11
- Pangea Ultima | 3 Circuit: 13.99 | 7 Circuit: 1:34:61
Finally, there's news of a possible lost sport team training up in Capetown. I hope it happens -- to be a full participant in the Multiverse Olympiad, we need teams on every continent! I'll keep you posted...
- In other lost sport news, I received a VERY interesting private training report from a team in Bristol that apparently has trained very successful several times already... and they are keeping their identities and their strategies off the radar for now. I think they mean to give Team London a run for their money... seems like that could definitely happen! I know for a fact that the captain of Team Bristol has also trained in New York City with MeiHui and in London with me... here's a pic of their captain that I snapped in London... after all, it's only fair that Team London knows what it's up against!
Tags: lostsport sport lost