From LostRing
[edit] Ariadne's Blog
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[edit] My life is weird (updated!!) (link)
[edit] Updated
New text in blue added.
- Whoever I am, and whatever my life USED to be like, one thing is sure. My life is very weird these days... especially now that I have penpals in 10 countries so far (and counting!) trying to help me figure out who I am.
- I love getting your emails and comments. You guys are full of ideas. The most popular theory so far is that I'm some kind of missing Olympian. (And that the others who woke up in labyrinths with amnesia are missing Olympians, too.)
- Are six national teams out there missing their star athletes? So far no one has been able to figure out which ones.
- I have to admit, I'd love to find out I'm some kind of superhero athlete. But I'm not so sure. It seems like someone would have recognized me by now if that were true. And of course it doesn't quite explain how the six of us got amnesia, and why we all have this crazy tattoo. What on earth is "the lost ring", and why are we supposed to find it?
- I'm convinced that the only way we're going to figure this thing out is to find a connection between a "lost ring" and the Olympics. Seems like this is a good place to start looking for a connection...
- Will you please help me? Maybe you'll spot a clue that I overlooked...
- Previously...
- This was the very weird To Do list I made for the week on Monday... just a few things to do while I wait for my memory to come back, or my family to find me, or for someone to figure out who I am!...
- 1. check blog and video comments – does anyone recognize me??
- 2. figure out what my tattoo means and why at least four other people with amnesia have it (!!!!!)
- 3. learn Esperanto in all my spare time??
- 4. practice repulsing the monkey and carrying the tiger to the mountain
- Don’t worry. I’m not actually harassing any animals! The monkey/tiger stuff refers to T'ai Chi Ch'uan. I met an older couple at the inn where I’ve been staying, and they practice it every morning. I started mirroring them a bit, and they noticed – so they took me under their wing to teach me. I picked up the moves really fast.
- I’ve learned all 108 forms in the past few days. Apparently that’s quite odd. According to my new friends, the Pings, usually it takes years to master all the forms. Not me – I got them basically all on the first try, and remembered them perfectly.
- At first, this made no sense to me. I can’t seem to remember anything about my own life. So why should my memory work perfectly at learning new stuff?
- But while I was repulsing the monkey today (I know, that sounds awful!) a phrase popped into my head out of nowhere: “kinesthetic memory”.
- I looked it up and it means, basically, muscle memory. Your muscles remember so your brain doesn’t have to.
- Maybe my brain got fried in the labyrinth, but my muscles still remember everything? I’m not sure… but I’m going to keep practicing the forms to see if anything else pops into my head...
[edit] 04 March 2008 - 6.36 AM
- Whoever I am, and whatever my life USED to be like, one thing is sure. My life is very weird these days. (but slightly less lonely, thanks to those of you who've started emailing me, thank you!) Anyway, this is my very weird To Do list for the week while I wait for my memory to come back, or for someone to figure out who I am.
- (Update: I'm adding "research the Olympics" to my to do list... so many people keep mentioning it to me. How can we find out if there's any mention of a "lost ring" in Olympic history?)
- 1. check blog and video comments – does anyone recognize me??
- 2. figure out what my tattoo means and why at least four other people with amnesia have it (!!!!!)
- 3. learn Esperanto in all my spare time??
- 4. practice repulsing the monkey and carrying the tiger to the mountain
- Don’t worry. I’m not actually harassing any animals! The monkey/tiger stuff refers to T'ai Chi Ch'uan. I met an older couple at the inn where I’ve been staying, and they practice it every morning. I started mirroring them a bit, and they noticed – so they took me under their wing to teach me. I picked up the moves really fast.
- I’ve learned all 108 forms in the past few days. Apparently that’s quite odd. According to my new friends, the Pings, usually it takes years to master all the forms. Not me – I got them basically all on the first try, and remembered them perfectly.
- At first, this made no sense to me. I can’t seem to remember anything about my own life. So why should my memory work perfectly at learning new stuff?
- But while I was repulsing the monkey today (I know, that sounds awful!) a phrase popped into my head out of nowhere: “kinesthetic memory”.
- I looked it up and it means, basically, muscle memory. Your muscles remember so your brain doesn’t have to.
- Maybe my brain got fried in the labyrinth, but my muscles still remember everything? I’m not sure… but I’m going to keep practicing the forms to see if anything else pops into my head...
Tags: amnesia taichi johannesburg dream goggles labyrinth tattoo kai memory video ariadne