What can I do
From LostRing
[edit] What can I do to help??
- Quite a common question we hear is that people don't know what to do, and what to know where they help. Well here are some suggestions - a list of areas of the game that could use expertise, or active problems that need to be solved.
[edit] Translation
- Lost Ring is a multi-lingual, world-wide game, so there are many languages and cultures playing. A lot of the content is English, but there's interaction with characters across language barriers, as well as multi-lingual transcripts and dialogues that people want to understand too.
- You are valuable as a translator if you know at least two of:
- English (of course)
- Spanish
- French
- German
- Portuguese
- Mandarin Chinese
- Japanese
- And certainly not least: Esperanto
- Language Resources was set up to help organize who can do what. Go ahead and add yourself!
- If you'd like to get right into helping translate, bookmark the following page and see if there's anything outstanding you can help translate. You can edit the wiki, or post on any of the existing player communities - someone will get it here!
[edit] Dead-drop Pickups
- The Omphoputer is revealing locations around the world where Artifacts are hidden. As these locations are discovered, we'll need people in these cities' vicinities to go and find them - double time! It's the thrill of the hunt! Watch for your city
- Help us find omphaloi and artifact locations using the Omphoputer -- try to name the cities where red and green dots appear to rest.
[edit] Design and Run City Labyrinths
- There are 27 cities were big city-sized labyrinths has to be designed and run to build an Earth-omphalos
- Join an exisiting team or even apply for a city captain, if there is no team for your city, yet. As a city captain you can aply for a trackstick.
[edit] Join Theo
- If you like you can join Theo.
- Find a partner and take the tasks for the Theo Mission Teams.
[edit] Play the game!
- Join a community, get involved, get connected, make friends... that's the whole point of the game!
[edit] Spread the word!
- Really, anyone can do this :)