From LostRing
[edit] Earth Omphalos
- In Chapter 23 of the Codex Muliversal Travel is explained.
- A earth-sized omphalos has to be built with at least 27 knots.
- One knot is a city-sized labyrinth.
- Eli states that the design (location of the 27 knots) is known by Theo.
- Besides Philadelphia, which is known from Alfredo's items, Eli mentioned San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seoul, Buenos Aires, and Sao Paolo as possible knots.
- Knots are also HQ of Theo.
- Kai suggests to track the labyrinth by using tracksticks.
- Returns:
- MAKE OMPH KNOT: One rock, covered by a net, with at least 27 knots.
- OMPH STRENGTH: K1 + K2 + K3 ... + K27. K = (C x S)/6
- Trace a labyrinth (any design) at least 3 stadia wide. The bigger the labyrinth, the more powerful it is.
- The labyrinth must have AT LEAST 3 circuits. The more circuits, the stronger the knot.
- Earth-scale omphalos knots must be created within omph city limits. OMPH CITIES PENDING.
- Eli emailed details about the labyrinth design rules:
- Labyrinths must be concentric, which means the center of the labyrinth has really to be in the middle of the overall layout.
- The distance between the pathes must be of uniform width, or at least very close to uniform width. The path should not get wider and narrower as it twists and turns.
- Perfect symmetry, on the other hand, is not a requirement, although it is certainly considered the hallmark of a powerful labyrinth.
- Omph strength is calculated by measuring the width of the labyrinth (in stadia) at its widest point.
- 1 stadion equals 184.9 meters (according to another mail from Eli)
- Converter/Strength Calculator can be found here
- Regarding the labyrinth's width: "If you create an x-y axis centered around the center of the labyrinth, with the y axis extending directly toward the exit, you could choose the diameter at either the x-axis or the y-axis. That is my best advice." (Eli in a mail to Canzonett).
- More information regarding the "running" of those labyrinths:
- They are not run blindfolded!!
- Cars are allowed.
- A relays might be a good strategy.
- A team with different strength might be more sucessfull.
- It is extremely important to record both geographic location and speed, because they have to be repeated on parallel worlds (even though not synchronously).
- Designs must be approved by Eli.
[edit] Philadelphia
- layout by Jorge
- C=5, S=16, K=(CxS)/6 = 13.3
[edit] First List
[edit] Bangkok, Thailand - DONE
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Layout:
- Running planned:
[edit] Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Layout:
- Running planned:
[edit] Manila, Philippines - DONE
- City Captain: bryanflurry
- Labyrinth status: Labyrinth run on June 15, 7:20am-9am.
- C=4, S=5.81, K=(CxS)/6 = 3.97
- unfiction forum thread
[edit] Reykjavik, Iceland
- City Captain: mcorange
- Trackstick status:
- Running planned:
- unfiction forum thread
[edit] Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Layout:
- Running planned:
[edit] Sydney, Australia
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Layout:
- Running planned:
[edit] Melbourne, Australia - DONE
- City Captain: runeix ftlr
- Trackstick status: received
- Running compleated:
- K=8.38
[edit] Wellington, New Zealand - DONE
- City Captain: mr.judkins
- Trackstick status: Received
- C=3, S=6.7, K=(CxS)/6 = 3.35
- Running done: 21 June 2008 (GMT+12)
- unfiction forum thread
- Video Pending
[edit] New Delhi, India
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Layout:
- Running planned:
[edit] Madrid, Spain - DONE
- City Captain: Tenchizard
- Trackstick status: waiting to receive (delayed due to transportists on strike)
- Final version: C=5, S=7.37, K=(CxS)/6 = 6.14
- Running done: July 9
- unfiction forum thread
[edit] Paris, France - DONE
- City Captain: Bookmore
- Trackstick status: received
- Running done: July the 8th, 2008
[edit] London, England - DONE
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Running done: June 30 (?) (see google map
[edit] Munich, Germany - DONE
Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 (the 3rd one is a modified version of AUZ505's design) | ||
C=7, S=33, K=(CxS)/6 = 38.5 | C=7, S=34.4, K= (CxS)/6 = 40.2 | |
- City Captain: AUZ505
- Confirmed Team Members: Canzonett, Falco20019
- Labyrinth status: Labyrinth run on June 16, 2pm-8pm. Omph strength: C=7, S=31.53, K=36.785
- unfiction forum thread
[edit] Vienna, Austria -DONE
- Running done: July 4 (?) (see flickr pictures)
- kmz-File
[edit] Berlin, Germany
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Layout:
- Running planned:
[edit] Beijing, China
- City Captain: Wen Di
- Trackstick status: Recieved
- Layout:
- Running planned: In Discussion
[edit] Cape Town, South Africa
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Layout:
- Running planned:
[edit] Vancouver, Canada
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Layout:
- Running planned:
[edit] Toronto, Canada - DONE
- City Captain: dreamerblue
- Trackstick status: Received
- Labyrinth status: Labyrinth run on June 28, 11:30am - 1:40pm (2h 10m).
- Route:
- Layout: proposal by hmrpita
- C=7, S=16.98, K=(CxS)/6 = 19.81
- Running done: June 28, 2008
- unfiction forum thread
- Google Earth KMZ file
- Visual evidence: photos, youtube video
[edit] San Francisco, CA - DONE
- City Captain: Hmrpita
- Labyrinth status: Labyrinth run on June 14, 10:50am-3:50pm.
- Route:
- Layout: proposal by [user:hmrpita|hmrpita]
- C=11, S=17.6, K=(CxS)/6 = 32.2
- Running done: June 14, 2008
- unfiction forum thread
- Google Earth KMZ file
- Preliminary photos and videos
[edit] Los Angeles, CA - DONE
- City Captain: Shad0
- Trackstick status: arrived!
- Layout:
- Running planned:
- unfiction forum thread
[edit] Dallas, TX - DONE
- City Captain: lhall
- Trackstick status: arrived
- Layout: proposal by jasper
- C=7, S=15.281, K=(CxS)/6 = 17.82
- Running planned: July 2, 2008
- unfiction forum thread
- photo evidence
[edit] New York, NY
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Layout: Three Proposals by Canzonett:
- Running planned:
[edit] Boston, MA
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Layout: Proposals by Canzonett:
- Support labyrinths in Cambridge and Brookline:
- Running planned:
[edit] Seoul
- not in the original list from James
- City Captain:
- Trackstick status:
- Layout:
- Running planned:
[edit] Buenos Aires - DONE
- not in the original list from James
- City Captain: VictorSueiro
- Trackstick status: already sent by Kai
- Layout by VictorSueiro:
- C=7, S=10(?), K=(CxS)/6 = 11.6
- Running planned:
- unfiction forum thread
- A labyrinth in la Plata probably counted as Buenos Aires
- Even though a dedicated BA labyrinth is still planned.
- BA labyrinth
[edit] Sao Paolo
- not in the original list from James
- City Captain: SofiaSoso
- Trackstick status: Received
- Layout by Jorgeguberte:
- C=6, S=6, K=(CxS)/6 = 6
- Running planned: the first test will be performed June 17th.
- unfiction forum thread
[edit] Second List
[edit] Shenzhen, China
- proposal: link
[edit] Brisbane, Australia
[edit] Tel Aviv, Israel
[edit] Kyoto, Japan - Done
[edit] Tokyo, Japan - DONE
[edit] Copenhagen, Denmark
[edit] Tampere, Finland
[edit] Lisbon, Portugal
[edit] Barcelona, Spain
[edit] Leeds, UK
[edit] Montreal, Canada - DONE
[edit] Chicago, USA
[edit] An Arbor, USA
[edit] Portland, USA
[edit] Austin, USA - DONE
- Trackstick status: arrived
- Estimated strength: 12.16
- Running: July 6; second attempt: July 20
- unfiction forum thread
[edit] Honolulu, USA
[edit] Brasilia, Brazil
[edit] Caracas, Venezuela
[edit] Cities (not on the original list)
[edit] Salvador, Brazil - DONE
[edit] Laval, France - DONE
- City Captain: Khaos
- Trackstick status: received, design approved
- Layout: Layout by Khaos
- C=3, S=4.49, K=(CxS)/6 = 2.25
- Running planned: July 19
- kmz-File
[edit] Washington, DC, USA - DONE
[edit] Cambridge, US - DONE
[edit] Boulder, Colorado - DONE
- City Captain: elliotjo
- Trackstick status:
- Layout by elliotjo
- Running planned:
[edit] Garden City, US - DONE
[edit] Duncan, Oklahoma US - DONE
- not in the original list from James
- City Captain: jasper
- Trackstick status: used the one sent to Austin
- Running done: July 12
[edit] Martinborough, New Zealand - DONE
[edit] Nuremberg, Germany & Ingolstadt, Germany DONE
- City Captain: Canzonett
- Trackstick status: arrived on 4 August
- Running done: 5 August.
- unfiction thread
- Photographic evidence: Picasa Webalbum
[edit] Kitchener, Ontario - DONE
- City Captain: theBruce
- C=3, S=6.59, K=(CxS)/6 = 3.3
- Running completed: August 3rd
- unfiction thread
- Photographic evidence: Flickr photoset