From LostRing
[edit] Timeline
[edit] July 15
- summary
- summary
- Ring Number Three was found in the Richard Goodall Gallery. Unfortunately the person who found it was not allowed to take it.
- The ring keeper thought our person is an imposter (probably because of a slighly wrong pronounciation of the password).
- A second person that jumped was also not sucessful.
- Some emails from James and Eli regarding this incident: James Mail #1, James Mail #2 and Eli Mail.
[edit] July 16
- Noriko: 戦略を取り入れて、オリンピックに備えましょう! // Adopted a strategy,... (link)
- summary
- summary
- Edwin Moses gives some hints how to win gold.
- summary
- Team Manchester successfully recovered the Lost Ring Number Three
- Details will follow
- Details will follow
[edit] July 17
- summary
- summary
- Lucie: le labyrinthe de Paris, succès total !! // the labyrinth of Paris, a total sucess (link)
- summary
- James forwared another Theo message stating that ring transporters have to be identified via video before they are allowed to pick-up the ring.
- summary
[edit] July 18
- Noriko: けんたろうとマーカス // Markus and Kentaro (link)
- summary
- James sent an email to the Theo mission teams which contains important information how to get Ring Number Four of the Lost Rings.
- A wav voice message was included.
- Language: Russian
- Location of first ring: Buenos Aires
- Password for Ring Keeper: PENATHLON
[edit] July 19
- Diego: correo de Edwin Moses // Mail from Edwin Moses (link)
- summary
- Noriko: ロストスポーツの名誉コーチ、エドウィン モーゼズ氏 // Honor Coach for the Lost Sport: Edwin Moses (link)
- summary
[edit] July 20
- Markus: Eine Erklärung // An explanation (link)
- Markus explains that he is sure that, even that he is not the original Thumos, he feels like he is it.
- Larissa: Kentaro, Markus - em quem confiar? // Kentaro, Markus - who can we trust? (link) [new video]
- summary
- The location of Ring Number Four is probably the "Esperanto Society" in Buenos Aires.
- AUZ505 suggested to search north of the labyrinth. Eli emailed that this might not be correct.
- Eli wrote to search for a "meeting place".
- AUZ505 suggested the "Esperanto Society" as the loaction and Eli approved that suggestion.
- Eli also wrote that we need a good plan to get the ring, as it might not be easy.
[edit] July 21
- Diego sent a plan to Team Argentina how to get the Ring Number Four.
- Contact the Esperanto Society for some Esperanto classes
- Then try to steal the ring and run.
- summary
- summary
- summary
- Monica: Reflexiones sobre Kentaro y Markus // Reflections on Kentaro and Markus (link)
- summary
- summary
- Omphaputer command: OMPHSTRENGTH is updated after the Salvador, Laval and Garden City Labyrinths
- Network Incomplete
- Knots complete: 18
- Knots remaining: 9
- Sofia: New Mission. Finish the Omphalos Network! Find allies in Alaska, Scandinavia!
- Chariton: New Mission. Finish the Omphalos Network! Find allies in Alaska, Scandinavia!
- Dikaiosune: New Mission. Finish the Omphalos Network! Find allies in Alaska, Scandinavia!
- Sophrosune: New Mission. Help Diego with a dangerous and complicated mission!
- Thumos: New Mission. Help Diego with a dangerous and complicated mission!