Lost Rings
From LostRing
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[edit] Lost Rings
[edit] Background information
- Most information could be found in Eli's podcast #6.
- The Lost Rings are 6 sculptures.
- It seems that the Lost Rings are devided into six parts which are thought to be able to combine together in some way.
- Theo possesses the Lost Rings and he is constantly moving the parts from location to location.
[edit] Ring number one
- James wrote an email stating that he has "found" an important message on Theo's voice messaging system. He deleted the message and sent the mp3 to us. He gave us the following "mission":
- 1 - figure out what language this message was recorded in
- 2 - translate it and figure out what it says
- 3 - come up with a decoy message
- 4 - leave the decoy message on the machine
[edit] The message
- The message was in Dutch.
- Quote...
- Dit is Theo agent Dewaldewaard met een rapport over transport voor La Sesa Ringo, ring nummer Eén. De voormalige locatie voor nummer Eén was vijfendertigduizend vierhonderdentwee stadia richting Hestia twaalf vanaf Omphalos nummer acht. Van daaruit heb ik de ring dertienduizend vijfhonderdenvijftig stadia richting Hestia zeven komma acht verstuurd. Vanaf komende dinsdag zal de ring in klaar daglicht verborgen zijn in een galerie in het centrum van het drie circuit linksom labyrint van vijf komma een en vijftig stadia breed, waar de ingang van het labyrint gelijk valt met het Tattoo Museum en het kruis van het labyrint onder een hoek van Zeus twaalf ligt. Wanneer je de ring ophaalt voor zijn volgende bestemming: om de ring in je bezit te krijgen moet je de ringbewaarder een password geven.
- Tell the ring keeper the name, according to Hesiod, of the first monster born from the two-headed dog and his sister, who were both born to the mate of the last-born son of our present pan-cosmological state.
(translation by Giskard)
- This is Theo agent Dewaldewaard with a report about the transport of La Sesa Ringo, ring number one. The former location of number One was 35,402 stadia in the direction of Hestia 12 from Omphalos number 8. From there, I have shifted the ring 13,550 stadia in the direction of Hestia 7.8. From next Tuesday the ring will be hidden in clear daylight in a gallery in the center of a three circuit left-running labyrinth with a width of 5.51 stadia, where the entrance of the labyrinth falls together with the Tattoo Museum and the cross of the labyrinth is located under an angle of Zeus 12. When you pick up the ring for its next destination, you have to give the ring keeper a password.
- Tell the ring keeper the name, according to Hesiod, of the first monster born from the two-headed dog and his sister, who were both born to the mate of the last-born son of our present pan-cosmological state.
[edit] The Password
- The ring is guarded by the 'ring keeper' who needs a password:
- Tell the ring keeper the name, according to Hesiod, of the first monster born from the two-headed dog and his sister, who were both born to the mate of the last-born son of our present pan-cosmological state.
- Our pan-cosmological state: Gaea, Greek god personifying the earth (wikipedia)
- Last-born son of Gaea: Typhon (wikipedia)
- Two headed dog (son of Typhon): Orthus (wikipedia)
- His sister: Chimera (wikipedia)
- The first monster born from Chimera and Orthus (according to Hesiod): Sphinx
- Password: SPHINX
[edit] The Location
The former location of number One was 35,402 stadia in the direction of Hestia 12 from Omphalos number 8.
- Omphalos number 8: Da Lat
- 35,402 stadia Hestia 12 from Da Lat: Brisbane
From there, I have shifted the ring 13,550 stadia in the direction of Hestia 7.8.
- 13,550 stadia Hesta 7.8 from Brisbane: Wellington, NZ
From next Tuesday the ring will be hidden in clear daylight in a gallery in the center of a three circuit left-running labyrinth with a width of 5.51 stadia, where the entrance of the labyrinth falls together with the Tattoo Museum and the cross of the labyrinth is located under an angle of Zeus 12.
- Labyrinth Entrance: Tattoo Museum
- 42 Abel Smith Street
- Te Aro, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
- Labyrinth Entrance: Tattoo Museum
- Center could be found by heading Zeus 12 and 5.51/2 stadia (see this map)
- Destination gallery: Pop Up Gallery, 57 Ghuznee St
[edit] The Recovery
[edit] The Ring
- Color: Blue
- Inscription
- Quote...
- La ringoj nombras kvin, kaj una mondo kunigas per ludo estasla mesago.
- Por la elektitaj atletoj, estas honero vojagi. La mondo atendas la alvenon ce la olimpikejo. Anthu vi revenu al via hejmo vi gijnos amikojn ce ciu kontinento.
- preliminary
- The rings number 5 and one world joins through game to be itself a message. For the elected athletes is the honor to voyage. The world waited for the arrival with the olympiad. Before you return to your home you will (gain?) friends with every continent.
- Baudot Code (see here)
Above and below the inscription are dots
x x x x xx xx x x x x x ----------------- x x xx xx x x xxx xx x xx x x
This decodes to
- Quote...
- The Lost Ring
[edit] Ring number two
- Another important message on Theo's voice messaging system was revealed. The mp3 of the message is also available.
[edit] The message
- The message's language is Armenian
- Quote...
- ??
- Tell the Ringkeeper the name of the seventh wife of the husband of the mother of the son of the winner of the two-colt race of the [something / 108th?] Olympiad.
(translation by Mrs Donabedian and Thomas Bookmore (minor corrections regarding numbers))
- The former location of ring number 2 stadia 8644, position Artemis 11 from the point of view of Omphalos n°3.
- I moved it from there to the ring (?) stadia 2176 position Aris 12.
- The ring has today been restituted/given back/returned from the 7th position towards the highest point of the outmost path of the (Zakynthos ? Hakynthos ?). At the first turn on the left, 26,183 stadias wide from one end to the other, there were the entrance to the labyrinth is, and also the entrance of the Museum of National Sciences, as well as the entrance of the labyrinth from the point of view of Aphrodite (n° ?) 5.
- When you're done, before taking the next step, before giving the ring, you must give its owner (keeper ?) the password.
- Tell the Ringkeeper the name of the seventh wife of the husband of the mother of the son of the winner of the two-colt race of the [something / 108th?] Olympiad.
- Note: "He never pronounces hundreds, thousands, or commas - he pronounces the numbers in paris : 86 then 44, 21 then 76 - but he does say there is a comma between 21 and 183".
[edit] The Password
- The ring is guarded by the 'ring keeper' who needs a password:
- Tell the Ringkeeper the name of the seventh wife of the husband of the mother of the son of the winner of the two-colt race of the [something / 108th?] Olympiad.
- Winner of the two-colt race of the 108th Olympiad: King Philip II wikipedia
- King Philip II was an Olympic champion three times. In the 106th Olympics, in 356 BCE, he won the race, riding his horse. In the 107th Olympics, in 352 BCE, he won the four-horse chariot race. In the 108th Olympics, in 348 BCE, he was the winner of the two colt chariot. Hellenic News of America
- Son of King Phillip II: Alexander the Great wikipedia
- Mother of Alexander: Myrtale of Epirus or Olympias wikipedia
- Husband of Olympias: of course King Philip II :-)
- Seventh wife of King Philip II: Cleopatra Eurodice of Macedon [1]
[edit] The Location
The former location of ring number 2 stadia 8644, position Artemis 11 from the point of view of Omphalos n°3
- Omphalos number 3: Dongying, China
- 8644 stadia Artemis 11 from Dongying: Osaka
I moved it from there to the ring (?) stadia 2176 position Ares 12.
- 2176 stadia Ares 12 from Osaka: Tokyo, Japan
The ring has today been restituted/given back/returned from the 7th position towards the highest point of the outmost path of the (Zakynthos ? Hakynthos ?). At the first turn on the left, 26,183 stadias wide from one end to the other, there were the entrance to the labyrinth is, and also the entrance of the Museum of National Sciences, as well as the entrance of the labyrinth from the point of view of Aphrodite (n° ?) 5.
- Labyrinth Entrance: Museum of National Science
- 7-20 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-8718
- Labyrinth Entrance: Museum of National Science
- Eli's e-mail:
- My best guess would be based on ancient Greek ways of describing the
- geography of labyrinths. The "highest point" is what you would also
- call the "peak" of a circuit. The ancients used the term "peak" when
- writing about Cretan labyrinths to describe the point of a circuit
- that is furthest from the exit. Therefore, it seems that the peak of
- the 7th circuit of the labyrinth you've attached in in the outermost
- circuit somewhere just above those two 7-11s, like the top of a
- triangle if each 7-11 is a point on the triangle as well. If that does
- not make sense, please share this theory with other sofias to help you
- find the correct location/
- All of your other calculations and labyrinth layouts seem quite right
- to me, as does the solution to the password that others have sent. So
- please let me know if there is a gallery in the vicinity of that
- point, and I will wait to hear your successful news of lost ring
- recovery!
- Location identified as Gallery Saka
[edit] The Recovery
- recovered by Marina (translation of the report by unagi)
I took the ring from Gallery Saka at Kagurazaka. I am sorry for my delay in letting you know my pickup because of lack of internet connection. As I left home early, I didn't recognize the proposal for the rendezvou. As there was an urgent call, I left Kagurazaka immediately. I apologize to QED and Lunch for their going all this way. Around 10:55 I arrived at the door of the gallery, and its owner came when I am waiting for its opening. I asked him if he exhibited a metal ring, and he answered yes. The ring was exhibited ordinarily at the innermost of the gallery. He said it had arrived some while ago and had been exhibited for about a week. I was not allowed to take photos of other exhibitions, I could take only the photos I sent. When I told him the password he asked me "Wanna take this away?", and he packaged the ring back for me as it had been sent. The sender's sticker was still attached on the cardboard box, but he took it off, saying "Because it would break your dream." At that time I had no idea who's coming when, and I hesitated to wait at the gallery, I asked the owner a message, took a photo of the owner with the box in front of the gallery, and left the gallery about 11:20. He said "say hello to the staff", but I had no idea as I'm an ordinary people Then there was an urgent call and some troubles disabled me to have internet connection for a while. I'm sorry for all the fuss.
[edit] The Ring
- Color: Yellow
- Inscription
- Quote...
(translation by unagi)
The olympic muscles must be in line almost perfect. What a skill! What a strength! It's wonderful! During the closing ceremonies all athletes share the pride of champions. They got fast, high, strong.
- Chasing the greatness, a lot of athletes fulfill, ten multiplying the spirits. The hearts fly high.
- Baudot code
- again "La Ringo Perdita"
[edit] Ring number three
- Another important message on Theo's voice messaging system was revealed. The wav of the message is also available.
[edit] The message
- The message's language is Hindu
- Quote...
- ??
- Tell the ringkeeper the name of the second consort of the second grandson of the husband of the mother of our team's ancient founder.
- No.3 was earlier at Omphalos #10 about 26 ?? stadia from there in the direction of hermes 23.
- From there the ring is 26-69 stadia in the direction of apollo 15.
- He has hidden the ring in an art studio/picture gallery.
- The ring should be in a labyrinth (on a picture) that has 3 circuits on the right side.
- 1.86 stadia high labyrinth, at the entrance, night and day.
- Postion the cross of the labyrinth in the direction of apollo 20.
- When you go around the labyrinth, you'll need to tell a password to the gatekeeper.
- Tell the ringkeeper the name of the second consort of the second grandson of the husband of the mother of our team's ancient founder.
[edit] The Password
- The ring is guarded by the 'ring keeper' who needs a password:
- Tell the ringkeeper the name of the second consort of the second grandson of the husband of the mother of our team's ancient founder.
- Team's ancient founder: Theodosius I wikipedia
- Mother of Theodosius I: Thermentia
- Husband of Thermentia (Father of Theodosius I): Theodosius the Elder wikipedia
- Second grandson of Theodosius the Elder (2nd son of Theodosius I): Flavius Honorius wikipedia
- Second consort of Flavius Honorius: Thermantia wikipedia
- Password: THERMANTIA
[edit] The Location
No.3 was earlier at Omphalos #10 about 26 stadia from there in the direction of hermes(?) 23.
- Omphalos number 10: Stuttgart, Germany
- 26xx stadia Hermes 23 from Stuttgart: Amsterdam
- Assuming that the distance is between 2600 and 2699 stadia. Seems like something is missing in the translation
From there the ring is 26-69 stadia in the direction of apollo 15.
- 2669 stadia Apollo 15 from Amsterdam: Manchester (area)
He has hidden the ring in an art studio/picture gallery. The ring should be in a labyrinth (on a picture) that has 3 circuits on the right side. 1.86 stadia high labyrinth, at the entrance, night and day. Postion the cross of the labyrinth in the direction of apollo 20. When you go around the labyrinth, you'll need to tell a password to the gatekeeper.
- Labyrinth Entrance: Night and Day Cafe, Manchester
- 26 Oldham St
- Manchester, M1 1JN, United Kingdom
- Labyrinth Entrance: Night and Day Cafe, Manchester
- Eli's e-mail:
- Excellent work on tracking ring #3 to Manchester, I feel certain that you and your friends have the right city. Your identificaton of the Night & Day cafe is also convincing, based on the the transcript you have provided. I must admit, however, that I do not understand hindi myself, and so I cannot say for certain that we are working with a perfect translation -- that the cafe is the start of the labyrinth, or that we are looking for the center, or the peak, or some other specific place (for example, perhap as you have noted here with your pushpin, the northernmost point of the labyrinth itself.)
- They are clearly working in languages unfamiliar to the 2008 allies to thwart us. However, this map looks persuasive to me and it is certainly worth investigating the locations you have identified on it.
- Any gallery that is in a unique spot of the labyrinth seems a promising site to investigate.
- James' email:
- Hi Eli,
- Thanks for the advice, I'm really glad to hear that you think they're on the right track. Based on where the other rings were hidden I think that the galleries they identified are totally likely spots for Theo to choose as ring locations.
- Especially the Art Sugery, Natural Eye, and Richard Goodall Gallery...
- Location identified as Art Sugery, Natural Eye or Richard Goodall Gallery.
- Ring found at Richard Goodall Gallery
[edit] The Recovery
- July 15: Failed pick-up
- cubicgardencom found the ring but did not get it from the ring keeper
- report:
- Right to clairfy, I did say the word slightly differently the first time (hell i have a southern accent). But I did spell it out for the lady and she did say it was correct. But she didn't like the fact I was on the phone with Emilicon at the time and that I had been hanging around the gallery for 5mins, while she was serving customers. Next time I'll be less forgiven
- The woman wrote a email to someone (expect the PMs) explaining that I said things wrong or something and maybe made me sound very dodgy. So when they wrote back they said don't give me it.
- I think it boils down to the fact she wasn't expecting someone like me to turn up and claim the ring. In actually fact, she kept over and over saying "this is a expensive piece of art you do know that?"
- So yep I don't know anyone who could collect the art but whoever does needs to be claim to be the "official ring collector" and said THERMANTIA in exactly the way she wants to hear it. It might even be worth just spelling it from the start so theres no mistake on either end. I was going to send in some random strangers tomorrow, but if we can get a little group to meet next door at the cafe, we could prepare our master plans.
- a second person send to the gallery also failed.
- report from chippy:
- update, my manchester friend went to the gallery, entered it, and said the password, however, he also was denied. He met up with cubicgarden too. Full update I'm sure will follow later from cubicgarden. They gave some information to help next attempt. In the meantime good work trying!
- I can go over tomorrow morning if possible. Cubicgarden, ive pm'd phone number if you want to meet up before I go in?
- July 16: Sucessful pick-up
- chippy's report:
- Here's my account.
- I've only a few pics. cubicgarden, davemee and sward have taken many more, including video etc.
- Yes. I wore a suit! No. I didn't have a monocle.
- So I arrived just after 5pm (missed the earlier train) and met sward and cubicgarden in the cafe next door.
- After introductions, we exchanged information about where the ring was located, who was in the gallery, and what to say, although I had already rehearsed it (even dreamt about it last night!
- So, a quick slurp of lemonade and a quick tidy up in the mirror, and I headed out. No time for nerves.
- Tried to open the door. It wouldn't move! "oh my god, they've shut early", I thought, but no, there was a bell to ring, and they buzzed you in. It was more of a pop-art shop than a proper gallery.
- Strode up to the counter, a lady (previously described by my friends in cafe next door, and i made sure they remained seated next door!) was seated there,
- I said in a loud, confident tone "I'm looking for the Ringkeeper"
- they said: "ringkeeper?"
- "yes, I'm the official transporter of the ring, and I'm here to collect it"
- "but how do you know we have a ring?"
- "Ahh, I know you have it, this is the right place" (Later on, I clarified "I send some scouts here earlier on today, to see if you still had it" - she was a bit picky on this subject)
- "well now, in that case, what's the password?"
- "Thermantia" (pronounced Ther-man-tee-ahh) - I figured they wouldnt have read up on ancient greek spellings
- "OK, then you can have it."
- and we walked over to the display case, and then she called over for the box from the lad who worked there.
- On the way there, still in character, I ask "So, you had some trouble earlier on, we may have been compromised" and she says "well, there is a protocol to follow..." I replied, "well, those were nothing to do with me, they were obviously on the opposite team!"
- She said, well, theres the protocol, and that she emailed the people and they said she had done the right thing.
- And, after packing the ring up into the box, and a couple of pleasantries, although I wasn't allowed to talk about much, and they said they were not allowed to ask me questions, I left, and she went to email those in charge to say we had it.
- Entered the cafe, and celebrated a bit laterdown the pub, with it standing on the table. It was a great topic of conversation with many people coming up and asking what it was. We even met an eccentric lady who said she spoke some esperanto.
- Cubicgarden is looking after the ring, after traipsing around manchester for several days in hunt of it. I'm glad I paid my part well, and got it safe into our hands!
[edit] The Ring
[edit] The Ring
- Color: Black
- Inscription
- Quote...
kalkulu la celon. 29 landoj, 1 5 4 eventoj kaj 2626 atletoj por kreitre imponan olipikon. solidareco. la flamo flagru! provu la plej proksiman samlandano kaj festu. la olimpika torcxo estas gvidlumo de
- preliminary
- la spektantoj igxas kiel unu per desegnajxo;la plejgrava ludo konata de la mondo sinprezentas, la atentoj de la
- Baudot code
- New code
x xxxx xx xx x x -------------- x x xx xx x x xxx x xx
This decodes to
- Quote...
- The sixth ring
[edit] Ring number four
- Another important message on Theo's voice messaging system was revealed. The wav of the message is also available.
[edit] The message
- The message was in Russian.
- Quote...
- ??
- Tell the ringkeeper, of the 23 different sporting events ever held at the ancient Olympics the name of
- the sporting event that was added 12 years after
- the sport that was added 40 years before
- the sport that was added 28 years after
- the sport that was added 208 years before
- the sport that was added 104 years before
- the sport that was added 196 years before
- the sport that was added 556 years after
- the first Olympic sport was invented.
- Theo,
- Agent Sveta, with new information on the movement of the 4th ring, La Sesa Ringo. The previous place of the location of the fourth ring was 3817 stadia in the direction of Athena 10 omphalos number 7. From there I moved the ring 115 stadia in the direction of Apollo 8. Right now the ring is [something like "safely"] hidden with a friend in a [meeting location?] placed at the very highest point of the [samesterkiy?] labyrinth in a seeable place [in plain sight]. First a turn to the left, 6 and 66 [stodih] stadium width from side to side, where the entry to the labyrinth is a medical school of a government university and where the cross of the labyrinth is carved in the direction of gemini 0. To get the ring for the next turn and pass it on, you should give "parole" to the keeper of the ring.
- Tell the ringkeeper, of the 23 different sporting events ever held at the ancient Olympics the name of
- the sporting event that was added 12 years after
- the sport that was added 40 years before
- the sport that was added 28 years after
- the sport that was added 208 years before
- the sport that was added 104 years before
- the sport that was added 196 years before
- the sport that was added 556 years after
- the first Olympic sport was invented.
[edit] The Password
- The ring is guarded by the 'ring keeper' who needs a password:
- Tell the ringkeeper, of the 23 different sporting events ever held at the ancient Olympics the name of
- the sporting event that was added 12 years after
- the sport that was added 40 years before
- the sport that was added 28 years after
- the sport that was added 208 years before
- the sport that was added 104 years before
- the sport that was added 196 years before
- the sport that was added 556 years after
- the first Olympic sport was invented.
- List of the 23 sports and there starting dates link:
- Event First Held
- ------------------- ----------
- 1. Stadion (footrace, 192 meters) 776 B.C.
- 2. Diaulos (footrace, 384 meters) 724 B.C.
- 3. Dolichos (long-distance race, 192 meters) 720 B.C.
- 4. Pentathlon (wrestling, stadion, 708 B.C.
- long jump, discus, javelin)
- 5. Wrestling 708 B.C.
- 6. Boxing 688 B.C.
- 7. Four-horse chariot race 680 B.C.
- 8. Pankration (wrestling, boxing, 648 B.C.
- general free-for all)
- 9. Horse race 648 B.C.
- 10. Stadion for boys** 628 B.C.
- 11. Wrestling for boys** 628 B.C.
- 12. Pentathlon for boys** 628 B.C.
- 13. Boxing for boys** 616 B.C.
- 14. Race in armor 525 B.C.
- 15. Mule-cart race 500 B.C.
- 16. Horse race for mares 496 B.C.
- 17. Two-horse chariot race 408 B.C.
- 18. Competitions for heralds (sort of a 396 B.C.
- town crier)
- 19. Competitions for trumpeters 396 B.C.
- 20. Four-colt chariot race 384 B.C.
- 21. Two-colt chariot race 268 B.C.
- 22. Colt race 256 B.C.
- 23. Pankration for boys** 200 B.C.
- It seems that there is an error with the numbers and that 576 years is meant instead of 556 years (ales it wuld not match):
the first Olympic sport was invented: 776 B.C. Stadion the sport that was added 576 years after: 200 B.C. Pankration for boys the sport that was added 196 years before: 396 B.C. Competitions for trumpeters the sport that was added 104 years before: 500 B.C. Mule-cart race the sport that was added 208 years before: 708 B.C. Wrestling (sport) the sport that was added 28 years after: 680 B.C. Four-horse chariot race the sport that was added 40 years before: 720 B.C. Dolichos the sporting event that was added 12 years after: 708 B.C. Pentathlon (sporting event)
[edit] The Location
The previous place of the location of the fourth ring was 3817 stadia in the direction of Athena 10 omphalos number 7.
- Omphalos number 7: Porto Alegre
- 3817 stadia Athena 10 from Porto Alegre: Montevideo
From there I moved the ring 115 stadia in the direction of Apollo 8.
- 115 stadia Apollo 8 from Montevideo: still in the Montevideo area
- Assumming that 1150 stadia is correct:
- 1150 stadia Apollo 8 from Montevideo: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Right now the ring is [something like "safely"] hidden with a friend in a [meeting location?] placed at the very highest point of the [seven circuit?] labyrinth in a seeable place [in plain sight]. First a turn to the left, 6 and 66 [stodih] stadium width from side to side, where the entry to the labyrinth is a medical school of a government university and where the cross of the labyrinth is carved in the direction of gemini 0. To get the ring for the next turn and pass it on, you should give "parole" to the keeper of the ring.
- Labyrinth Entrance: Facultad de medicina (UBA)
- Paraguay 2155, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Labyrinth Entrance: Facultad de medicina (UBA)
- left-turned 7-circuit labyrinth, 6.66 stadia (about 1232 meter / 4042 feet) width, in the direction of gemini 0 (270 degree).
- very highest point: probably wrong (the seed seems correct)
- Destination: Esperanto Society
- Paraguay 2357, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
- map
- Destination: Esperanto Society
[edit] The Recovery
- Diego emailed a plan
- Contact the Esperanto Society for some Esperanto classes
- Then try to steal the ring and run.
- recovery on July 26:
- from twitter
- Thinking that maybe the US team could drive a few more miles and come to BA to get the other one... about 20 hours ago from web
- Rocking with my band...(stil waiting!) about 19 hours ago from web
- Waiting for a bus. about 3 hours ago from cellity
- At capitol city - buenos aires. Waiting for mauro. about 2 hours ago from cellity
- We found mauro! Going to the meeting point -metro- about 2 hours ago from cellity
- Waiting for diego. about 1 hour ago from cellity
- Making plans. Going to the esperanto society in a while. about 1 hour ago from cellity
- Going in... about 1 hour ago from cellity
- I ve found the ring in a toilet! 27 minutes ago from cellity
- Runing in a while... 6 minutes ago from cellity
[edit] The Ring
- Color: Green
- Inscription
- Quote...
- La geatletoj numbris pli ol dumil kvincent kvardek. Vetkuradoj kaj provoj - komencu!
- 1920 antwerpo miro gi estas. [La sumo de sportoj estas atesto al homa ludemeco kaj Inventemeco. (End of second text line)]
- Mi sentas fieron kiam la samlandaj atletoj konkuras. Gxi estas kiel monumentan ondon ke tra mia koro fluas. (end of line 3)
- preliminary
- The athletes numbered more than 2540. [Running and testing--begin!
- 1920 Antwerp wonder it is. The sum of sports is a testimony to human ability and creativity.]
- I feel pride when the athletes of the same land come together. It is as a momumental wave that flows through my heart.
- Baudot Code (see here)
This decodes to
- Quote...
- ?
- ??
[edit] Ring number five
- Another important message on Theo's voice messaging system was revealed. The wav of the message is also available.
[edit] The message
- The message was in English.
- Quote...
- This is a broadcast message regarding the status of La Sesa Ringo. While we investigate some discrepancies in the locations of several of the rings, the sculptures will no longer be on display--publicly or privately. We believe that recent mention of the rings in a popular online podcast series has brought out a rather large number of unscrupulous collectors. Therefore, all future exchanges will take place as dead drops. This practice is designed to prevent the rings from being stolen or tracked. Regarding Ring Number 5, Theo operatives Level 5 and higher currently located in the United States should contact the current guardian of Ring Number 5 via the standard anonymized transporter email format to arrange a time and location for the dead drop.
- She is: Theop porto syra dalat lunglei dongying. Repeat: Theop porto syra dalat lunglei dongying.
- Your message must contain the transfer password in the subject. You are worshipping Demeter. You turn clockwise twice as many degrees as Poseidon is from Demeter Then half as many degrees counterclockwise as Poseidon is from Aphrodite. Then three times as many degrees clockwise as Aphrodite is from Hera. Then twice as many degrees counterclockwise as Hera is from Artemis. Which god or goddess are you worshipping?
[edit] The Password
- The emails must contain a pasword in the subject.
- Your message must contain the transfer password in the subject. You are worshipping Demeter. You turn clockwise twice as many degrees as Poseidon is from Demeter Then half as many degrees counterclockwise as Poseidon is from Aphrodite. Then three times as many degrees clockwise as Aphrodite is from Hera. Then twice as many degrees counterclockwise as Hera is from Artemis. Which god or goddess are you worshipping?
For details see Omphalos
- You are worshipping Demeter. = 0 degrees
- You turn clockwise twice as many degrees as Poseidon is from Demeter. = clockwise 2*180 degrees = 360 degrees (i.e.,back at zero)
- Then half as many degrees counterclockwise as Poseidon is from Aphrodite. = 0.5*(240-180) = 0.5(60) = 30; counterclockwise * from 0 = 330 degrees
- Then three times as many degrees clockwise as Aphrodite is from Hera. = 3*(240-150) = 3*(90) = 270; clockwise from 330 = 240 degrees
- Then twice as many degrees counterclockwise as Hera is from Artemis. = 2*(150-90) = 2*(60) = 120; counterclockwise from 240 = 120 degrees
- Which god or goddess are you worshipping? = 120 degrees = HESTIA
Password: HESTIA
[edit] The Location
- First task was to contact Ring Master #5.
- His email address was decoded as TheOP79843SPLATgmail.com:
- She is: Theop porto syra dalat lunglei dongying. Repeat: Theop porto syra dalat lunglei dongying.
- Porto is omphalos 7
- Syra is omphalos 9
- Da Lat is omphalos 8
- Lunglei is omphalos 4
- Dongying is omphalos 3
- 79843 is the zip code for Marfa, Texas
- Ring Keeper #5 send the following message.
[edit] The Recovery
- The Ring Keeper sent the following instruction:
- The ring transporter has to be dressed like a street musician.
- The ring master will contact him via a tip in the hat.
- Ring recovery on July 26:
- The drop has been made.
- The clue that has been recieved is PARKING/974 LOT/FLV
[edit] The Ring
- Color: Red
- Inscription
- Quote...
- Venu vi, venu ĉiu--la olimpiko estas la plej grandioza evento por kiu vi povas vojaĝi.
- Kiel ili strebas! Neniu olimpiisto plenumas sub la plejalta limo de homa atleta poveco.
- Ĉiu atleto devas fari la olimpian ĵuron. Eĉ for de la malfermantaj ceremonioj ili promesas apogi la spiriton de sporteco.
- preliminary
- Come you, come all--the Olympics are the most magnificent event for you who can travel.
- How they strive! No olympiisto (olympic person) achieves below the highest limit of human athletic ability.
- Each athlete must take the Olympic Oath. Even from the opening ceremonies they promise to sustain the spirit of sportsmanship.
- Baudot Code (see here)
This decodes to
- Quote...
- ?
- ??