From LostRing
- // Diego (July 21, 2008)
In response to:
Team Argentina
- James told me that neither Mauro or other Theo member will be able to take the ring. Not even himself would be able to take it.
- This is my plan:
- -This week we go to lernu.net and learn some phrases, words, etc. so we can go and tell them that we know a bit of Esperanto, that we love it and we want to learn more.
- -We write to the Esperanto Society, saying that we want to take Esperanto classes (DON'T WRITE ANYTHING YET OR YOU COULD SPOIL ALL THE PLAAAAN)
- -The site says that there are classes on Saturdays (very old), but maybe they still give lessons on Saturdays, if that's the case perhaps we could make labyrinth+ring all the same Saturday.
- -We go to the society, we take the Esperanto class and at one moment we have to make that some of us distract the teacher/s so we can check the place in search of the ring.
- -If we find the ring... run!!
- -Once outside the society we split so they can't follow us, and we meet again at some meeting point.
- And that's it... VICTORY.
- Well, yes, I accept it, it's not THE plan, but it's what we have to do... recover it one way or another!!!