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}} }}
-=== Email from [[Diego]], forwarding [[Monica]]'s email to him ===+=== Communication with ===
 +==== Twitter ([ link]) ====
 +* investigando un misterio -- 03:23 AM March 14, 2008 from web
 +* Intentando convencer a mi tía para que me deje entrar en la antigua casa de Alfredo. Misión 1: comprar una planta y una tarjeta de gatitos -- 04:44 AM March 27, 2008 from web
 +* He estado en el antiguo despacho de Alfredo. Y hay MUCHAS cosas... ¿por donde empezar a buscar? -- 05:13 AM March 29, 2008 from web
 +* ¿Que buscar en el despacho de Alfredo? aporta tus ideas en el foro de Diego... -- 04:08 PM March 31, 2008 from web
 +* ¡Un laberinto de entrenamiento en Madrid! -- 01:23 AM April 02, 2008 from web
 +* Salgo ahora mismo hacia la antigua casa de Alfredo para intentar encontrar algo entre sus papeles... ¡deseadme suerte! -- about 11 hours ago from web
 +<blockquote class="trans">
 +* Investigating a mystery - 03:23 am March 14, 2008 from web
 +* Trying to convince my aunt to let me go into the former home of Alfredo. Mission 1: buy a plant and a card kittens - 04:44 am March 27, 2008 from web
 +* I have been in the former office of Alfredo. And there are MANY things ... Is where to begin to look? -- 05:13 am March 29, 2008 from web
 +* What search in the office of Alfredo? Bring your ideas in the forum of Diego ... -- 04:08 pm March 31, 2008 from web
 +* A maze of training in Madrid! -- 01:23 am April 02, 2008 from web
 +* Leave now towards the former home of Alfredo to try to find something between their roles ... Deseadme luck! -- About 11 hours ago from Web
 +==== Email from [[Diego]], forwarding [[Monica]]'s email to him ====
{{:Monica/Chat/20080309-1}} {{:Monica/Chat/20080309-1}}

Revision as of 04:07, 5 April 2008

AriadneEli HuntKaiDiegoLarissaLucieMarkusMeihuiMonicaNorikoRenata


Monica is a Spanish girl that contacted Diego because his story reminds her of a story from her uncle.

Name: Monica
Websites: Youtube profile
Language: Spanish
Email Address:

Youtube profile


Re: ¿Me conocen?

(response to Deigo's video)

(translation (blog entry))
Eli Hunt revela su secreto
Part 1
Part 2
(translation by FMG)
(quick summary)
On the first video she speaks about the encounter between Ariadne and Eli Hunt, and that he's more open now. She speaks about the secret site, the command prompt, and that if you write "agonothetai", the prompt asks for more data, though she doesn't know what. She says that someone suggested that there may be some clues about her story on Neptune's Fountain so she went to see if she can find anything.

On the second video she says that she didn't find any references about labyrinths or numbers, so she thinks that Neptune's Fountain isn't related to her story.

Communication with

Twitter (link)

  • investigando un misterio -- 03:23 AM March 14, 2008 from web
  • Intentando convencer a mi tía para que me deje entrar en la antigua casa de Alfredo. Misión 1: comprar una planta y una tarjeta de gatitos -- 04:44 AM March 27, 2008 from web
  • He estado en el antiguo despacho de Alfredo. Y hay MUCHAS cosas... ¿por donde empezar a buscar? -- 05:13 AM March 29, 2008 from web
  • ¿Que buscar en el despacho de Alfredo? aporta tus ideas en el foro de Diego... -- 04:08 PM March 31, 2008 from web
  • ¡Un laberinto de entrenamiento en Madrid! -- 01:23 AM April 02, 2008 from web
  • Salgo ahora mismo hacia la antigua casa de Alfredo para intentar encontrar algo entre sus papeles... ¡deseadme suerte! -- about 11 hours ago from web
  • Investigating a mystery - 03:23 am March 14, 2008 from web
  • Trying to convince my aunt to let me go into the former home of Alfredo. Mission 1: buy a plant and a card kittens - 04:44 am March 27, 2008 from web
  • I have been in the former office of Alfredo. And there are MANY things ... Is where to begin to look? -- 05:13 am March 29, 2008 from web
  • What search in the office of Alfredo? Bring your ideas in the forum of Diego ... -- 04:08 pm March 31, 2008 from web
  • A maze of training in Madrid! -- 01:23 am April 02, 2008 from web
  • Leave now towards the former home of Alfredo to try to find something between their roles ... Deseadme luck! -- About 11 hours ago from Web

Email from Diego, forwarding Monica's email to him

// Diego via Email to several people (Mar 9/08)
In response to an email from Monica:
Amigos, recibí este e-mail de esta chica española, dice que su tíoabuelo le contaba una historia parecida a lo que nos está pasando anosotros (tatuaje, amnesia, laberinto)!! No sé si creerle, puede que se haya subido al tren DESPUÉS de habervisto nuestros videos en internet, pero por el otro lado tiene unapostal con unos datos, quizá pueda ser una pista verídica!! Qué opinanque haga? Le contesto?
Tiene algún significado para uds lo que diceesa postal? Yo no tengo la menor idea de qué podrá ser...

Gracias por su ayuda! Diego

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mónica <monica>
Date: Mar 8, 2008 5:59 PM
Subject: Hola Diego!

Hola Diego, He llegado a tu perfil de Hi5 por casualidad y tengo algo que creo quepuede ayudarte. No quiero crearte falsas esperanzas, y no se si tienealgo que ver, pero por si acaso te lo cuento, y en el peor de loscasos te habrás quedado como estabas.
Lo primero es que no te conozco de nada y no he estado nunca enArgentina. (Vivo en Madrid, España). Sin embargo no es la primera vezque escucho tu historia. Mi tío-abuelo solía contarme algo parecidocuando era pequeña, sobre algo que le ocurrió a un hombre que conocióhace muchos años. El caso es que nadie le creía excepto yo (aunqueclaro, era muy pequeña y a mi me encantaban todas esas historiasmisteriosas. Pero de alguna manera me daba la sensación de que eracierto). ¿No es sorprendente que ahora te haya pasado a tí lo mismo?No podía creerlo cuando he visto tu perfil y tus fotos. ¿Qué te parece? Si estás interesado en que te cuente más detalles dela historia de mi tío y crees que puede ayudarte en algo, no dudes enescribirme a esta cuenta de correo electrónico. Espero que recuperes pronto tu memoria.

Besos, Mónica
PD: Te adjunto varias imágenes. La primera es una foto mía, para queveas que soy una pesona de fiar.
Las otras dos son una postal que heescaneado y que tiene relación con la historia de mi tío abuelo.
Másdetalles en

I got this email from a spanish girl, who told me she had a story similar with what's happening to us (tattoo, amnesia, labyrinth)!! I don't know wether to believe it, it could have happened AFTER she saw our videos on the internet, but on the other hand she had a postcard with dates, maybe it's a true clue!! What do you think I should do? Do I answer to her?
Do these postcards have any meaning to you? I don't have the slightest idea what it could be.

Thank you for your help! Diego

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mónica <monica>
Date: Mar 8, 2008 5:59 PM
Subject: Hola Diego!

Hi Diego, I came up with your hi5 profile by chance and I have something wich I believe can Help you. I don't want to give you false hopes, and I don't know if it's connected, but I'll tell you, and worst case scenario you'll be in the same situation you started.
The first thing is that I don't know you from anywhere and I never was in Argentina. (I live in Madrid, Spain). But it's not the first time I listen to your story. My uncle-grand father used to tell me something like it when I was little, about something that happened to a man he knew many years ago. The thing is that nobody believed him (of course, I was very little and I was amused by this misterious stories. But somehow it gave me the feeling he was speaking the truth). It's not surprising that now it happened to you? I couldn't believe when I saw your profile and your photos. What do you think? If your're interested that I tell you more details about this story about my uncle and you believe I can help ou with anything, don't hesitate to write me to this email. I hope you get your memory back.

Kisses, Monica
PD: Attached are several pictures. The first one is a photo of mine, so you see that I'm a trustworthy person.
The other ones are of a postcard that I scaned and have to do with my uncle's story.
More details in
Other Notes

The postcard image attachments from Diego's email above contains written text:

El Multiverso (the multiverse)

Estamos aqui (we are here)
40.4167, -3.7033
y aqui (and here)
51.4646, -0.1705
y aqui (and here)
55.6763, 12.5681
y aqui (and here)
42.3584, -71.0568
y aqui (and here)
43.6702, -79.3868
y aqui (and here)
-22.9035, -43.2096
The GPS coordinates are located at:
40.4167, -3.7033 - Madrid
51.4646, -0.1705 - London
55.6763, 12.5681 - Copenhagen
42.3584, -71.0568 - Boston
43.6702, -79.3868 - Toronto
-22.9035, -43.2096 - Rio de Janiero
More info in Jorge's Postcard

Characters (box)

AriadneEli HuntKaiDiegoLarissaLucieMarkusMeihuiMonicaNorikoRenata

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