From LostRing
- // James (July 10/08)
In response to:
Theo Mission Teams
- Hi Everyone,
- I've been listening to the voicemails every day for the past week, but
- while there's a bunch of messages being left, I hadn't heard 'la sesa
- ringo' again until today. I'm not sure what language it's in... some of
- the words sound English... but the rest is gibberish to me, I hope you
- all can figure it out.
- So once again I need you all to do the following:
- 1 - figure out what language this message was recorded in
- 2 - translate it and figure out what it says
- 3 - come up with a decoy message
- 4 - leave the decoy message on the machine
[edit] Attachment
A wav file was attached with important information how to get Lost Ring Number Three.