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Noriko's Blog

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私に何が起こったか。A Long Story 2 (link)

March 3, 2008
さて、家事手伝いの方ですが。。。 私、きっとあまり料理や掃除、得意じゃなかったんでしょうね。。。大惨事には至らずにすんでいますが。As for house chores, I’m no expert. ただ、体を動かしていると気持ちいいので、お買物は大好きで、毎日出て行っています。そして外に出ると、何か見覚えがあるものはないかと思って、うろうろしてみるのですが、残念ながら今のところ効果なし。そして、そのうろうろした先でスーパーを見つけて、そこで買物をして走って帰ってきます。家の近くのコンビニなんかは、無視しちゃって、遠出しています。I like grocery shopping because I make work-out routine out of it. ミキ先生が、引出しに入っている色んなお店の買物袋を見つけて、ビックリして、

「これだけスーパー見つけたのは偉いけど、どうやって迷わず家まで帰って来たの?」It's great you found all these super markets, but how come you didn’t get lost ever?

と聞いてきた事があった。確かにお店の一つは8キロ位の距離はあったな。そういえばそうだ。。。三木先生は、私の体が鍛えられているのを知っているので、合計16キロ位は問題ないだろうっていうのは分かっていたみたいだけど、確かに一度も迷った事ないのは不思議だな。街の地図があったわけでもないのに。何となくカンが働いたのだけど。。。それとも見覚えはなくても、私は、岡山出身なのかな?I don’t know why I never get lost even at strange places. It’s just instinctive - maybe I’m local or something.

ミキ先生は、コンピュータでも何でも使わせてくれるので、こうやって、オンラインでの探索もできるようになって、少し心強いです。Miki lets me use anything including her pc. 何か手掛かりを知っている人がいるかもしれない。この刺青“Trovu La Ringon Perditan"の意味とか、どこかで行方不明になった運動選手とか、ラビリンスの言い伝えとか、。。。何より、私を知っている人が居るハズ!それにしても、何で自分でも意味の分からない刺青をしてるんでしょう?自分の体にまで彫り付けているって事は、何かすごく意味が重い、というか、すごく大事、これだけは忘れちゃダメ、って思っていたのでしょうけど。。。Anyone knows what this tattoo means? Or maybe lost athlete? Or anything about labyrinth?

それにしても、もう3週間。。。目覚めてすぐは、もしかして家族も友人も私がいなくなった事に気づいてないのかも、っていう可能性もあったけど、いくらなんでも、もう気づくんじゃないかな?!誰も私を捜してないの?私、もしかして家族も友達もいなかったのかな。。。一人ぼっちだったのかな?今、自分を知っていると言う人もいないし、自分が存在しているという証拠もない。私、幽霊みたい。このまま消えちゃったりして。。。 本当に、これからどうしたらいいんだろう?No one knows me, no record of my existence so far, am I a ghost? What am I to do? ミキ先生の好意に甘え続けるワケにはいかない。私には私の家も生活もあったはず。でも、この状態はきっと長くは続かない。。。ハズ。きっと何か思い出せる。。。ハズ。I somehow feel it won’t continue like this forever.

(translation by rupaZer0)
Well, when it comes to housework ... I'm surely hardly an expert at cooking and cleaning ... But I get by without any great disasters. As for house chores, I'm no expert. Still, it feels good to get my body moving, so I like shopping, and I'm going out every day. Then, when I go outside, thinking, 'Isn't there anything I recognise?' I try wandering around, but unfortunately there has been no result at the moment. Then, the last time I went wandering I discovered a supermarket, and I did some shopping there and then ran back. I've ended up ignoring things like the nearby convenience store and going further out. I like grocery shopping because I make work-routine out of it. Miki-sensei found my shopping bags from various shops that I had gone into when I was out, and in astonishment asked me,
"It's great that you found so many supermarkets, but how do you come back home without getting confused?" It's great you found all these supermarkets, but how come you don't get lost forever?
Certainly, one shop was eight kilometres away. Once she came to mention that ... because Miki-sensei knows that my body has been trained, it seems she understood that I would have no problem with a 16 kilometre round trip, but it's certainly strange that I didn't get confused once. I didn't even have a street map. It could be that Kan was working or something, but ... I don't even recognise that, but could I be an Okayama resident? I don’t know why I never get lost even at strange places. It’s just instinctive - maybe I’m local or something.
Because Miki-sensei lets me use her computer and everything else, I have become able to investigate online in this way, which is a little reassuring. Miki lets me use anything including her pc. Perhaps there is somebody who knows some clues. The meaning of this tattoo, 'Trouvu la Rungon Perditan,' or if an athlete has become a missing person anywhere, or the legend of the labyrinth ... anything, I need people in the know! At any rate, how did I end up with a tattoo that even I do not know the meaning of? For it to be carved into my own body, it must have a very important meaning, or I'm an important person. I think, 'Damn, I went and forgot this fact!' ... Anyone knows what this tattoo means? Or maybe lost athlete? Or anything about labyrinth?
At any rate, it's already been three weeks ... since I woke up, the possibility that I may come to realise that I probably don't have family or friends was there, but after all this time, still no-one has realised? Isn't anyone looking for me? I probably don't have any family or friends ... was I a loner? Now, since nobody knows me, there's no proof of my existence. I'm like a ghost. Maybe I disappeared like this ... Really, what should I do now? Nobody knows me, no record of my existence so far, am I a ghost? What am I to do? There's no way I can continue to rely on Miki-sensei's goodwill. I expect I had a house and a lifestyle of my own. But this situation can't go on very long ... I expect. Surely I'll remember something ... I expect. I somehow feel it won't continue like this forever.

Tags: のりこ 迷宮 記憶喪失 noriko ラビリンス 迷宮 のりこ labyrinth perditan noriko trovu 刺青 ringon 記憶喪失 迷宮 ラビリンス のりこ 刺青 amnesia のりこ labyrinth ラビリンス postcard sophrosune_696 tatoo 刺青 タトゥー のりこ tatoo amnesia 葉書 記憶喪失 la


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