The secret/origin

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[edit] The Origin of

  • Eli Hunt emailed several people a image of a book he has found several years ago in the national library in Athens.
  • Reading the yes-no-charts from left to right and top-down will and substituting yes = 1 and no = 0 will result also in the wave forms:
    • Wave form 1: yes no yes no no yes no no --> 10100100 (there is an error in this wave form! From book: 01011000)
    • Wave form 2: yes yes no yes yes no yes --> 1101101
    • Wave form 3: yes no no yes no yes yes no --> 10010110
    • Wave form 4: yes yes no yes no yes no yes --> 11010101
  • Translating the 4 waveforms from binary to decimal is how the IP address was found by Eli
    • Wave form 1: 10100100 --> 164 (the "wrong" code from the book would be 88)
    • Wave form 2: 1101101 --> 109
    • Wave form 3: 10010110 --> 150
    • Wave form 4: 11010101 --> 213

[edit] Cover

from email to DanteIL:
Wisdom of the Ancients
New Atlantis
Sir Francis Bacon

Cassell's National Library

Edited by Professor Henry Morley

[edit] Wave form #1

from email to FMG:
Left side:
The four sacred forms
The navel of the world

Right side:
Wave form #1 01011000
2 states exist simoultaneously
yes and no | each branches - yes and no
and no and yes | the 2 new pairs
of simultaneous states each
collapse back into a single
state - no and no.

yes no
yes no no yes
no no

...The amplified reversal...

[edit] Wave form #2

from email to jasper (only seen on the back of the pages)
2nd version from email to RedHatty:
Wave Form #2 1101101

One state exists - yes
it branches - yes and no
The 2 simultaneous states
collapse back into a
single state - yes
It re-branches - yes and no
The 2 new simultaneous
states re-collapse back
into a single state - yes

yes no
yes no

...The simplest cycle...
branch and revert, branch and revert

[edit] Wave form #3 and #4

from email to chippy:

Wave form #3 10010110

yes no
no yes no yes
yes no

...double simple cycle...
2 alternate states branche
and collapse

Wave form #4 11010101

yes no
yes no yes no

amplified branching...
half collapse back to the
original state

[edit] Personality test addendum

(from an email to mr.judkins)
I can keep a secret (ch)
I always face my fears (th)
I love to learn new things (so)

Which of the following attributes makes you the happiest?
Thinking and learning (so)
Exploring and playing (th)
Interacting and helping (ch)
Planning and organizing (di)
Listening and guiding (so)
Storytelling and art-making (my)

[edit] Notes


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