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There are two translations. One on the Codex-2Ap1-Portuguese page by JorgeGuberte and this original text by Redivo. They don't match, but I'm trying to get the templating to match across all codex pages. For now, I'm commenting it out so we don't lose the work until it can be discussed. -Weezel 4-20-2008 (this is a comment in the page itself where the alternate translation still exists. What should be done? Weezel 22:12, 19 April 2008 (MST)

yes that's happened before. I just kept the later translation. If there's a problem with it, it'll get fixed *shrug* --Thebruce 04:30, 20 April 2008 (MST)

-- Actually, on this looks like it happened on another page too, and they chose to simply list both translations. I'm going to go back and switch it to that way, so that no one's work is 'lost', especially if they put the effort into it. Weezel 07:19, 20 April 2008 (MST)

[edit] Translation from Esperanto the English missed a line

There is a line missing from the English translation of Codex three in the first paragraph. It should be as follows:

Tuj kiam ni komencis rehavi niajn memorojn, ni ekiris por serĉi la Image:Artifact1p1-greek.jpg. Ni kredis ke nia ĉefa misio estis trovi ĉi tiujn sekretajn ludogardistojn, kaj informi ilin ke iliaj streboj pro iu kaŭzo malsukcesadis. Ni reinstruus al ili la antikvajn tradiciojn.

As soon as we started to get our memories back, we set off to search for the Agonothetai. We believed that our main mission was to search for these secret game-keepers and inform them that their efforts keep failing for some reason. We would reteach them the ancient traditions.

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