From LostRing
- // Eli Hunt (July 14/2008)
In response to:
- Eli,
- I don't know if anyone has e-mailed you asking for advice on locating the third ring.
- The latest message was in Hindi, and we have translated it as:
- This is agent Amitabh.
- No.3 was earlier at Omphalos #10 about 26 ?? stadia from there in the direction of hermes 23.
- From there the ring is 26-69 stadia in the direction of apollo 15.
- He has hidden the ring in an art studio/picture gallery.
- The ring should be in a labyrinth (on a picture) that has 3 circuits on the right side.
- 1.86 stadia high labyrinth, at the entrance, night and day.
- Postion the cross of the labyrinth in the direction of apollo 20.
- When you go around the labyrinth, you'll need to tell a password to the gatekeeper.
- Then in English:
- Tell the ringkeeper the name of the second consort of the second grandson of the husband of the mother of our team's ancient founder.
- We know the password is Thermantia.
- Omphalos # 10 is in Stuttgart, Germany.
- 26?? Stadia Hermes 23 from Stuttgart gives you Amsterdam.
- 2669 stadia Apollo 15 from Amsterdam gives you Manchester, UK.
- I have attached a map of Manchester, created by AUZ505, with a 3-circuit right-handed labyrinth, with Night & Day café at the entrance, 1.86 stadia (344 m) tall, and in the direction of apollo 20 (290 degrees).
- We don't know if we are supposed to be searching the peak or the center, but most of the art galleries in the area are on the northern arc of the labyrinth (near the green pins). The peak of the labyrinth is near the Arndale Mall. We have also tried overlaying labyrinths with the entrance at the Manchester Evening News headquarters, and the Evening News Arena, although the sheer number of art galleries near Night & Day café makes us feel that it is the correct entrance to the labyrinth.
- Any input, especially your knowledge of English geography, would be appreciated.
- Thanks, sapagoo
- Hello Sapagoo,
- Excellent work on tracking ring #3 to Manchester, I feel certain that you and your friends have the right city. Your identificaton of the Night & Day cafe is also convincing, based on the the transcript you have provided. I must admit, however, that I do not understand hindi myself, and so I cannot say for certain that we are working with a perfect translation -- that the cafe is the start of the labyrinth, or that we are looking for the center, or the peak, or some other specific place (for example, perhap as you have noted here with your pushpin, the northernmost point of the labyrinth itself.)
- They are clearly working in languages unfamiliar to the 2008 allies to thwart us. However, this map looks persuasive to me and it is certainly worth investigating the locations you have identified on it.
- Any gallery that is in a unique spot of the labyrinth seems a promising site to investigate.
- Sincerely yours,
- Eli Hunt