From LostRing
- // Eli Hunt via Email responding to krystyn (Apr 14/08)
In response to:
- Subject: Do you like me? Circle one and WBS (Y/N)
- Krystyn Wells to thelostgames
- show details 6:27 PM (0 minutes ago)
- Hello, Eli Hunt
- You don't really know me, but
- The wind sings your song
- Guess you've gone AWOL
- We are all pretty worried
- Your silence - so sad
- I have one request
- Constrained by syllables, yet
- with motivation:
- Please do write back soon
- Tell me the story with these:
- Where, Why, When, What, Who
- You must be busy
- Thanks for reading these haikus
- Snow falls on branches.
- Running in circles, refreshing my Inbox,
- Krystyn
- Eli Hunt to me
- show details 9:08 PM (0 minutes ago)
- AWOL is safer.
- They must not see me coming.
- Theo won't win again.