From LostRing
- Chapter 22: Design of the Omphalos
(translation by Chid12)
* Obviously this word is important, but I don't know how to translate it:
- Who made the first omphaloi, and what sort of message was the sculpture aiming to communicate?
- Since ancient times, the majority of omphaloi were drawn in the form of the omphaloi: of Delphi: dome-shaped statues, made from stone, and chiselled in order to appear as net-covered stone.
- Nevertheless according to ancient histories, the statue at Delphi which survives today was not the first omphaloi at that place. It was the second omphaloi – a copy made in the 4th century BC. The first true omphaloi was different. It was made from a special type of a stone – aerolite – and was covered with a true woven net called argenon.
- The original sacred stone fell out of the sky.
- Meaning
- Why did the ancient Greeks cover aerolite with a net?
- In many worlds, historians believe that the original design of the omphaloi was the work of the original agonothetai – a direct allusion to their own labyrinths.
- The woven design of the ‘diktuon’ was snake-like and circular, exactly the same as the labyrinth. And indeed, Dedalo, in Greek mythology, built the first labyrinth as a series of “waving (undulating) nets”
- One also knows, that the temple at Delphi, later a shrine to Apollo the sun god, was initially created as a sacred-place to Gaea, the god of the earth.
- If the agonothetai created the omphaloi, the design could very easily be an encoded message, sacred reminders covering the earth with labyrinths.
- Design instructions
- Find or create a rock in the shape of a dome (cupola) or egg-shaped (ovoid) sphere.
- Cover the surface with circular, interconnected lines.
- The lines should go in a circle, unbroken, and irregularly spaced.
- The lines should "interigxigu"* at least 27 times, creating 27 knots.
- The lines should cross the largest part of the surface area – ideally, 85% or more.
- "inter" means 'between';
- "igxi" is a suffix which means 'becoming';
- 'igu' is the imperative form of 'get', 'cause', or 'make'.
I can't really work it out but I guess it means something like 'inter-connect' or 'inter-cross' or 'intersect', something like that.
Actually, the word is "inter-lig-iĝu". Ligi = to connect / tie / bind. I think "intertwine" is a good translation, but "inter-connect" works, too!
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