Functional Focal Retrograde Amnesia

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Functional Focal Retrograde Amnesia

A rare condition that afflicts each of Ariadne, Markus, Noriko, Diego, and Meihui.

It's the kind of Amnesia where you forget who your are but not how to do stuff. Like I still know how to talk, how to write, how to count, how to get dressed and all that. But as for me? My life story, my personality... Total blank.
(From Ariadne's blog post Hello world, I need your help.)

Ariadne's affliction has been intensely scrutinized, but no medical origin has been discovered:

I got a lot of attention from the doctors. Apparently, my kind of amnesia is extremely rare. So rare, in fact, the doctors thought I might be faking.... After six days of tests and observations, the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me.
(from Ariadne's blog post How I got here (Part I))
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