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// Eli Hunt via email to mr.judkins (March 19/08)
In response to:
an email from mr.judkins asking if he can help with the Personality Test
Dear Joshua,

I can indeed be of some assistance here. Perhaps of even greater assistance than you suspected.
I am attaching an image of further notes in the old copy of The Wisdom of the Ancients and the New Atlantis.
I take it from other emails I have received of late that these may be of some substantial use to Ariadne and her friends.
Some will judge me harshly for not sharing this information sooner.
But I believe that the first six travelers must certainly have had a purpose in mind by separating the clues in this way.
It is as if they wanted us to work together. Surely they divided the data in this way to prevent any individual or single group from enacting their great plan alone.
It is for this reason that I believe I must continue to withhold information until it is needed. Theseus and Ariadne depended on each other, after all.
But perhaps this metaphor is not so apt. As far I as know, we do not yet have a minotaur...

Sincerely yours,

Eli Hunt

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