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Revision as of 18:57, 9 July 2008 by AUZ505 (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Ariadne's Blog

<-- Full listing (direct link)

[edit] Record-breaking lost sport videos! (and upload YOUR best labyrinth runs) (link)

[edit] Junly 8, 8.29pm
My new favorite kind of video: record-breaking labyrinth runs.
Congrats to Teams London and Vienna. Everyone else, leep uploading your labyrinth videos online. And remember to tag them "lostsport" and "lostring"!
  • I was at the training event in London, but this world record was set after I had to leave for my flight back to Cardiff. But it turns out they didn't need me... their dikaiosune was definitely Olympic level!! (Of course, Team Wellington smashed Team London's record a week later, but it's still very cool to see the strategies that Team London was using...)
In the meantime, a couple more videos from London and Vienna. I want to see more! Get your mythopoeia to film!

Tags: lostsport

[edit] Notes

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