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Ariadne's Blog

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Meet Kai (link)

01 March 2008 - 3.09 PM
I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing this video. It was kind of a private message. But it was Kai’s idea to take the investigation online – so if anything comes of this, he deserves the credit!

Tags: amnesia taichi johannesburg dream goggles labyrinth tattoo kai memory video ariadne


Transcription of "Meet Kai"

Ariadne! <unintelligible> I see you haven't forgotten about me, which... I'm honored, considering you have a hard time remembering things. Okay, bad amnesia joke. But seriously, I'm really happy to hear from you. And absolutely, I can totally do the site. Er, I'm talking gadgets, and widgets and you know forums, you know everything you need to get yourself out there. <cut> Don't worry about thanking me, i mean I'm a geek and this is kinda, kinda what we live for. Well that and meeting strange women during foot surgeries, but.. <cut> What I'll do is I'll ping you with the details ASAP, oh and I already came up with a domain name for you. You'll love it, I promise. And uh, you know, I don't want you to worry, okay? Uhm, I have a really good feeling about this. So, uh, I think everything is going to be okay, so you hang in there


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