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// Theo (May 12,2008)
In response to Theo Mission Teams:
You have shown great ability -- much sofia and thumos -- thus far in finding and decoding our messages.
I assume that you orchestrated the note for us in London. The Baconian cypher shows your depth of research. Francis Bacon was one of the greatest scholars of the multiverse, despite this Gaia world having little to no omphalos strength to support his studies.
To join The Opposition is simply a task of desynchronization. You must create a clear rift between yourselves who have wisely decided to join Us, and your other selves who have not. To do this, you must both do something extremely unusual from your normal day to day life. Something which would virtually guarantee the creation of an additional world. This act should be performed at a location where you would not ordinarily go.
To create the lowest possible probability that your alternate selves will not be performing this same act at the same time, you will not even think of the act yourself.
As partners in initiation, you must trust each other implicitly. While you will choose your own unlikely location, you must give to your partner the task of designing a simple, but highly improbable, action for you to do. Do not collaborate on this design, to avoid the chance of creating a task that is probable amongst your parallel selves.
Once your location is chosen, your partner will send you your task. This random combination will create maximum desynchronicity.
Email Us with a draft of your plans, and we will look it over. Once we have approved, the task will once again fall to you. Document your actions with video and/or photos, and send us a description for why you are very sure that your parallel selves will not have completed the same action.
Any allies of yours who would like to be initiated into the uninitiated are welcome to find a partner and pursue this mission as well.
This random assignment of actions and locations creates maximum branching and will makes this world, hopefully, even more of an outlier. Once we have proof that you are committed to this cause, we will share with you one of our most important discoveries this century as a sign of good faith.
Good luck.
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