Labyrinth Training Reports

From LostRing

Revision as of 18:45, 4 April 2008 by Mr.judkins (Talk | contribs)
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The Lost Game

  • This page is a reference to review and learn from past training events that have taken place around the world, practicing a lost ancient olympic sport being uncovered through the Codex of the Lost Ring, and researched by Eli Hunt on

  • Please take a look at the Yahoo upcoming events page set up by Ariadne to help organize and plan upcoming training events, to see if there's one coming up in your area! If not, talk to some people (find a Dikaiosune? Chariton?) and set one up in your area.



March 30 - Guelph, Ontario

Google video: The Lost Ancient Olympic Sport: Running of the Labyrinth
Flickr photos: Labyrinth Run
Report: Unfiction forum

April 1 - Madrid, Spain

Youtube video: Laberinto de entrenamiento
Flick Album: Entrenamiento 1-Abril
Report: #1, #2

April 3 - Wellington, New Zealand

Practiced drawing human-size labyrinths before training event on 5th.

Photos: preparation
Preparation report: unfiction
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