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[edit] Noriko's Blog

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[edit] 第二十五章 (Chapter25) (link)

[edit] May 31
一昨日、サンフランシスコのアゴノテタイ達が、The Lost Ring CodexをTheOから25章のリカバリーコードを盗んだようです。この章は、「La Promesa」(約束)と呼ばれているようです。

La Promesa
We have shared a great part of what we know with you.
However, we have not shared all.
The smallest details are most important.
We now know how much distance the last labyrinth must be out of the site of the opening ceremony.
We know how many circuits to build.
We know where we six will have to stand when the time comes for the voyages home.
We know how low the number the parallel worlds must be, how much firmly joined the ring of the six will have to be, before being able to pass through the door.
Also you must know these final pages, we prepare to make our own return voyage home. But before there to go, we swore to show you the way.
We leave behind something much more durable than these pages. In their forms and their messages, they reveal the last instructions.
Be so kind as to understand that here final details we must obscure. They can’t be as clear as those which we presented in this codex of the lost ring.
The instructions that we will try to preserve for you are so powerful, that discovery by the uninitiated could risk everything,
We will create a lost ring for your finding. And when you find it, you will know the way.

(translation by unagi)
The day before yesterday, Agonothetai in San Francisco seemingly stole the recovery code of Chapter 25 of the Lost Ring Codex from Theo. This chapter is called "La Promesa" (the promise).

It's already translated from Esperanto to English.

Tags: chapter25 第二十五章 codex

[edit] Notes

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