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[edit] Ariadne's Blog

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[edit] Virtual Coaching from Edwin Moses! Go Lost Sport Athletes! (link)

[edit] August 21, 11.21am
Edwin Moses is helping us train for the lost sport of Olympia here and Beijing. He's also making video messages for all of the world championship teams, and we're recording some coaching videos together too with lots of great advice about how to be an amazing lost sport athlete.
Stay tuned to his Lost Sport YouTube channel for new videos every day through the finals. And of course, on August 24, watch all six teams' best labyrinth runs to see who medals in the Multiverse Olympiad!
A special message for Team Wellington:
A special message for Team London:
A special message for Team Tokyo:
A special message for Team San Francisco:
A special message for Team Salvador:

Tags: edwin_moses lostsport beijing

[edit] Notes

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